The Next Thing to Do

In the near future I am just going to travel around reviewing old taverns and inns.  I am going to start in upstate NY area, before branching out into wider areas.

Of course I will have to wait until I get my license thing taken care of.  I got a bunch of fine and other things to pay off yet.  Then they is the issue of the transmission on the trailblazer.  Those are relatively minor issues, once I can get some cash stashed.

I've got a storage unit full of stuff to sell, a wood stove, lots of smalls, and books.  Who reads books anymore?  What with readers from Amazon and others, ebooks are pretty much the thing.  Most of the book stores are gone, at least as far as I know.  There might be a couple of big ones left, but the little nook type places have completely disappeared.  Maybe in my travels I will do a small bit on hidden book stores too.

Yes so before I went on that rant about book stores I was trying to say, I have a lot of stuff to sell.  This will give me some cash to get some stuff done.  In the meantime, while I wait for the new year, so I can buy some lights, so I can actually take pictures of the stuff, and sell it, I am going to keep looking at things I can do to earn a bit of cash so I can buy the lights and sell my stuff.

Once I sell off all that stuff, I have another house full of stuff to sell, including a VW van, a tractor, and maybe a horse trailer.  That is just the big items, again lots of smalls, lots of books, and those types of things.

Get that stuff sold and fix up the RV, and then I, Arleta and the dogs are off to see things.  Nothing exotic or far way, just things around here, in upstate.  Day trips mostly, you know, a night over in some little place on the weekend.  Then I will write a little something about a tavern we stopped at, with pictures.  This is not a job, not a money making thing, it is something I just want to do for the hell of it.



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