OWS Response 10-05-2011-1
I have read a lot of this, though not all of it, and as that would leave me to be less completely informed as I would like to be, as to all of this there is already a methodology that does not require growing the national debt, or increasing government oversight, and it punishes the large corporations at the same time. It is simple, stop buying their crap, if we just stop buying their stuff, they will cease to have profit. Buy as local as possible, work as local as possible, live as local as possible, and provide community support as you can with what you can. Know your local sources, support local businesses, ones that are actually local, not local branches of large corporations. When we vote with our dollars, we vote across the lines, there is no politics in economics. Deglobalize the American way, stop demanding the government do for you, and do for your self and your neighbors. Demand that the government stay out of regulation of morality, and ...