Tobacco Roads (this is raw)
Tobacco Arleta (my wife) and I smoke cigarettes, a bad habit, but that is what it is. We consume about a pound of tobacco a week, on average. That means we would have to purchase 4 pounds per month, or 48 pounds per year. To be on the safe side we would really need about 5 lbs per month, or 60 lbs per year. In terms of green tobacco we grow ourselves we would need at least 5 times that much to compensate for a 85% loss in water through the drying process. We can purchase it for about $20.00 a pound in bulk (includes freight) on line, so our monthly cost is about $100.00 per month, while our annual cost is about $600.00 per year (not including supplies). If we were to purchase a years supply we could probably cut the cost to about $400.00 per year. We also use tubes, which are paper tubes with a filter already attached, and we use about 2.5 a week, which equals about 2.5 cartons of cigarettes a week. Each box of tubes cost about $...