
Showing posts from August 30, 2009

DDFJ update

The Doud Dairy Farm Journal will now be posted to Frontier Spirit blog at ( If you are following the DDFJ blog post, you will find them now at that blog. Use the link above to view and subscribe to that blog if you wish to continue to follow this blog. I appreciate all comments and subscribers that I get, thank you. Sleep Well, and Peace. JD


Doud Dairy Farm Journal Monday August 31, 2009   Well we didn't move the goat fence after all. We let the goats out to eat, drove the ducks to the pond and Arleta trimmed some of the goats hooves. Today I have to build at least a temporary shelter, because the weather is turning towards winter, and prospects are not panning out as fast as I would like. I will need more hay as well, and I don't think I can get any more from Mary at this time. As for today, I guess we will try to move the fence, but that depends on the weather, if it looks like rain, I would rather leave the fence, get a few bales of hay and build a temporary shelter with a tarp.   I need more fence, but our cost right now are such that they exceed my current income. I am trying to rectify that by getting some egg layers, but that is another out lay of cash. I could buy chickens from the auction cheap, but they most likely have some type of disease that I don't want my birds getting, so I pay a bit of a...


Doud Dairy Farm Journal Sunday, August 30, 2009   Winter is coming... and there is still so much to do.   We got out to the animals late last night, as I had to finish up the car for Mary. As a side note; Mary is very unhappy with her car, and that does not make me happy. I will have to do something about that, but in comparison to what she has driven in the past, this car is far superior. Oh well, that is the way with people these days. I notice that people do not appreciate much that is not what it is expected to be. She had a concept in her head, but the car was more or less than she expected. She like most of her generation expect that whatever they buy, it should be newish like, no matter the relative cost. This is an example of how not proud Mary is about her car, IPD sent her a lapel pin with her order, and she left it sitting on my desk. She was commenting on how some one in her family was commenting on her car, and hoping she didn't pay much for it. She didn't...


Doud Dairy Farm Journal Saturday, August 29, 2009   We need to locate a farm very soon. Winter is coming and we can not winter our animals over where they are at. We would like to get more animals, like a few milking Devon cattle (at least one bull and three to ten cows), and some sheep. We have an opportunity to purchase some sheep at a fair price, if we had the capital and place to put them, but that would take a farm. I could get work, if I had a farm. It is all on the farm. I need to use some scrap lumber to build a feeder for the Goats.   The diagrams will be uploaded later, as they did not transfer through the Google Docs application. This is the Frame, we will need two (2) of these build from 2x3 or even 2x2 lumber. (Structural Frame Diagram goes here) This is the Top, we will need one of these, the holes should fit a bowl, like the dog bowl. It is made from sheet material, or from 1” slab lumber at least 8” wide. (Top Frame Diagram goes here)   The two fram...