Doud Dairy Farm Journal Monday August 31, 2009 Well we didn't move the goat fence after all. We let the goats out to eat, drove the ducks to the pond and Arleta trimmed some of the goats hooves. Today I have to build at least a temporary shelter, because the weather is turning towards winter, and prospects are not panning out as fast as I would like. I will need more hay as well, and I don't think I can get any more from Mary at this time. As for today, I guess we will try to move the fence, but that depends on the weather, if it looks like rain, I would rather leave the fence, get a few bales of hay and build a temporary shelter with a tarp. I need more fence, but our cost right now are such that they exceed my current income. I am trying to rectify that by getting some egg layers, but that is another out lay of cash. I could buy chickens from the auction cheap, but they most likely have some type of disease that I don't want my birds getting, so I pay a bit of a...