Dreams of Fields
Prologue For a good portion of my life I have worked to create a dream. Initially the creation was quite different, with very much a strict code of control, very fascist in its design. I would say that at the age of 14 or so I was looking at the world from quite a different perspective. I had recently finished several works such as Mein Kampf, Karl Marx, Brave New World, and 1984, among others, and had at that time understood that people were not capable of making good decisions for themselves. Although for the most part, I understand that now the same may be true of people, on the individual level, we should still reserve the right to make our own bad decisions. Perhaps I would like to see a greater degree of self responsibility, especially from the commercial industries, but still I do not expect as much from people as I might once have. That being said, my dream has but transmuted rather than changed altogether. It certainly would be quite nos...