Blog This

I was thinking of starting a blog, but I am not sure about what.  Seems there are a lot of them out there already, so I feel like I would just be one of millions.  How could I differentiate my blog from all the rest?

I think it is a lot of hard work.  First off if you blog even twice a week, you have to create content every week.  Then you have to work the social networks, like Twitter.  To make any money, not a lot of money but any money at all, you should have an affiliate account, like Amazon or commission junction.  Then you have to build readership, you need subscribers to build brand.

Mostly you have to blog about a niche someone, well a lot of someones, want to read about.  Then you have to consistently write about that niche at least a couple times a week.

Then the social networks.  You have to post your post to the social networks.  I've heard good things about Instagram.  I do not own a smart phone, or any phone for that matter, so I could not say anything about it.

I've had an Amazon affiliate account, but never had enough activity with it too keep it.  I am not that interesting, and pretty anti-social so I think that is not a good stream for me.

So I want to start a blog, but I just don't think it is something that will work for me.



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