
Showing posts from December 21, 2008

NAIS, Agriculture, and Government

NAIS, Agriculture, and Government What are we to do? Although I haven't read a lot about this, I have read enough to form at least a basic understanding.  As I look at my dairy, and the potential for using technology, I already will include radio tags for my cattle.  This is an expense that will assist me in identification of my cattle, for breeding and milking.  I have a strong database that tracks the linage of my cattle so that I can document the genetics, for breed conservancy.  I also track their health in many, many documents, all electronically documented in my database.  I also track their food through the same database, so I can be certain that we are feeding a high quality feed to our cattle.  I track their milk production and heat or dry stages, and other details, and all of this is helped by my use of radio identification.  I track their behavior as well, using herd notes (written by the herd manager, the milker, and by my personal observation), using radio tracking ...