
Showing posts from January 11, 2015

On Days, on Death, and on Willing

Wow, what a morning huh, I have written three other blog post, two pages of my novel, and now I am through with my work, for the most part.  I have some other work to do, but that is really waiting for other things, like the guy to deliver the hay, and such. So now I am free to explore the where-with-all of things that may be happening, but I feel like doing nothing of the kind.  Do you ever just not want to know what is outside your little world.  Ah, maybe too many do, but alas, that is not my fate, for I am faced with the world and it pushes its face into my vision, no matter how well I shutter my windows, and lock all my doors. I have not even given my email all but a cursory glance, just to see if there was anything that was important there, and oh yea, it is Sunday, so no there was not anything at all of interest. So, what is of interest today?  Hmm, not much, I think I will troll around the internet, looking for some interesting sites of no consequence,...