
Showing posts from November 16, 2008

Organic Dairy Farm Operation

Organic Dairy Farm Operation My research has lead me to believe that an organic dairy operation would be more valuable in the long run, as part of a larger organic farm operation.  It is not exclusively the increase in cost off set by the increase in value to the milk that is the determining factor, but that it is part of a more dynamic farming operation.  To make the farm profitable in these times of economic instability, it is necessary to farm dynamically.  This means integrated practices, and diversified operations.  This is good for the farm itself, but also for the community in which it operates.  A fully operating dairy will employ a small number of people from the local area, providing them often with more than just a paycheck, but with many other benefits, such as housing if needed, and products at substantial discounts, if not part of their benefits themselves.  A well developed diversified farm operation can provide even more jobs for the community in many other areas th...

Organic Dairy Farm Operation

Organic Dairy Farm Operation My research has lead me to believe that an organic dairy operation would be more valuable in the long run, as part of a larger organic farm operation.  It is not exclusively the increase in cost off set by the increase in value to the milk that is the determining factor, but that it is part of a more dynamic farming operation.  To make the farm profitable in these times of economic instability, it is necessary to farm dynamically.  This means integrated practices, and diversified operations.  This is good for the farm itself, but also for the community in which it operates.  A fully operating dairy will employ a small number of people from the local area, providing them often with more than just a paycheck, but with many other benefits, such as housing if needed, and products at substantial discounts, if not part of their benefits themselves.  A well developed diversified farm operation can provide even more jobs for the community in many other areas th...

Tribe 2 a treatise

Tribe 2 a treatise The gathering of the tribe, or more percisely, the assembling of a crack team designed to figure out what it all means.  For instance I know that everything has signifigance and purpose.  Not only that but also everything has intercate workings that affect the general or greater workings. If we look far enough back, there's extreamly simplistic knowledge, that is elite, or closely held.  Dilution of this knowledge prepares it for the masses, while the elite can still exist without disclosing their purpose.  The simple lies inside the complex and the complex is inside the simple, a very cleaver method of obscuring origin while leading the ignorant masses towards a very different direction.  Furthermore if the complex is simple and the simple complex, how how then are we to decipher the difference, or better yet the similarities.   Something so simple it alludes us and we seek a more complex solution.  So we take our cue from from that, and from the example...