
Showing posts from August 31, 2008
Can Water Survive? Will you survive the loss of water ? Series One Edition One "Today in our advanced and modern society we believe we have to sacrifice everything including the water of this planet we inhabit (for the time being) in order to continue the "progress" and our so-called "welfare." We are rapidly destroying water's life-giving capacities. Increased population, industrial wastes and agricultural chemicals are contaminating our water sources. The citizens of our "consumer/waste" society have unfortunately lost all respect and deference for water and Mother Nature." A quote from the " Nordic Living Water Systems " website. The question is can water survive our consumer lifestyle? Can it live when we continuously try to kill the water that gives us life. So I guess the question is can we survive the death of water? Water filtration is an option to many people, if not all people, depending on how you view water filtration...
The Speed of Light... 1/3 less speed than any other speed I moved from Rochester, NY to just south of Geneva, NY, this past May 2008. Although I like the area much better, many more farms, there are a few things that bother me. First is the lack of broadband internet service. When I lived in Rochester I was able to get Roadrunner service, and as much as I like to dislike Time Warner , especially since they wouldn't hire me when I lived in Rochester, I have to give them credit for having the best internet service. Living here in the back and beyond sucks for internet service. All I can get is dial up service, and even at that it is rather slow service. Going from Roadrunner turbo to dial up is like having a limb cut off. Well maybe not quite that bad, but almost. And why is it that I can not get broadband service here? I live all of 6/10 of a mile from a major roadway that is serviced by Time Warner , as well as by Verizon DSL. So what is up with that, they can't put...
Good Morning Peoples; Here I am another day with out a job or money, waiting for the hammer to fall. I will be with you all day, looking through the web and finding out what I can about whatever intrigues me, and maybe it will you too. I will also be providing little bits of advice when the inspiration hits me. So hang tight, and hang on, 'cause were gonna have some fun. Peace peoples, James
John McCain Will Focus Farm Policy on Those With Clear Need. John McCain will veto any bill containing special-interest favors and corporate welfare in any form. As president, John McCain will base our farm policy on the common good, with policies that help our small farmers to succeed, and our rural communities to survive and flourish once again. John McCain opposes providing billions to subsidize large commercial farms—those farms with an average income of $200,000, and an average net worth of $2 million--while American workers and taxpayers struggle to buy food due to rising prices. As president, McCain will seek to cap subsidies to farmers whose adjusted gross income exceeds $250,000. This will ensure that small farmers are provided with a reasonable safety net, while protecting the taxpayers from subsidizing lucrative corporate farmers. He will fight to put an end to flawed government policies that distort the markets, artificially raise prices for consumers, and pit producers aga...
"I'm again'm" Alex Jones Well that's nice. No, I am not against Alex Jones , or what he does. As misguided as he might be, in some areas, I listen to him, accept his opinion, and often comment on his articles. He is doing some good stuff out there, but he like others like him, are missing part of the story. David Icke has the same problem, missing some of the puzzle. I am not saying I have the puzzle completed, all I am saying is I know I am missing something, and that I think is the difference. Today listening to Alex, I heard him go on about the New World Order, and how he is against them, no matter what they are for. He just opposes them, no matter what. While that is noble, it does seem to limit his perspective. Myself I began designing the New World Order when I was 14. This is not to say that I am in alignment with the Neo-Cons or any other organization, it is that I worked on a program that would change the world, and yes it did include an elite el...
Health Professional Storm Troopers Have you been to the doctors lately? Talked to a nurse, or other health practitioner? Ever wonder where they get their information? Look to the American Medical Association and other societies of higher learning. Wisdom should tell you that they don't call it medical practice because they have the right answer. Some years ago, oh about 300 or so, medical practitioners separated themselves from the chemist and pharmacist to study the biological system from a systemic point of view. They wanted to separate the biology from the person, and treat disease rather than people. Well not exactly, at first it was to take the religion out of the practice of medicine, but they created their own cult, and now they are lost to the cultist demi-gods. They are now the tools of the very organizations that they originally they wanted to separate themselves from. Today the pharmacologist and legal priest operate the medical organizations, and people should ...
Political Circus Circus Wednesday, September 03, 2008 Since the 1970’s I have been watching the political wrestling matches. Throughout that time I have watched the same namespace figure heads talk about the same issues, with less and less reality up till today. Not that this years election is any different in the content, both parties are still talking about the same old bullshit, with as much reality as they always have. I am not dumb enough to believe the bullshit they spew during the campaign, both parties are owned by corporate interest, this is a given. I guess knowing this gives me the advantage, so I can look through their BS and find what other motivation they may have. I also try to follow the money behind the party. If you put any stock in the money trail, then forget the Republicans because they don’t have the right money behind them. Yes McCain does have the majority of oil money behind him, and with his “maverick” choice of Sarah Palin only cinches that. Does anyo...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 29, 2008 Shocking Choice by John McCain WASHINGTON-- Senator John McCain just announced his choice for running mate: Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska. To follow is a statement by Rodger Schlickeisen, president of Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund. “Senator McCain’s choice for a running mate is beyond belief. By choosing Sarah Palin, McCain has clearly made a decision to continue the Bush legacy of destructive environmental policies. “Sarah Palin, whose husband works for BP (formerly British Petroleum), has repeatedly put special interests first when it comes to the environment. In her scant two years as governor, she has lobbied aggressively to open up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling, pushed for more drilling off of Alaska’s coasts, and put special interests above science. Ms. Palin has made it clear through her actions that she is unwilling to do even as much as the Bush administration to address the impacts of global warming. Her most rece...
Rehab Drug rehabilitation is for the rich. For the most part only those that can afford the ridiculous prices of the rehabilitation centers, either with cash or with their insurance, can afford rehab. For those people that need rehab that do not have high grade health insurance, or are just plain rich, there are fewer options. There are a few options, but most of them are publicly funded options that do not address the real reasons people are addicted to drugs, but just the physical addiction. The medical rehab is good for detoxify, but does nothing for the person, which means once they have left the detoxify program, they will relapse, making the process a waste of public funding. That of course may be why they are in operation. Public funded projects tend to be that way. The same seems to be for prisons, which at this point are another holding point for drug addicts and drug pushers. Well not all drug pushers; some drug pushers are given a license to push drugs. We call them ...