The Real Secret, really
Apathy is a circumstance that often seems the choice that makes some sense. Why should I give a shit about anything at all? It is not like it will make any difference. I once thought that I could make a difference. I once believed that your actions mattered. That you could effect change through deeds and even to some degree words and pictures. I now know that it was a false hope that I harbored, and that because I did not have connections to the right groups, to the money chain, that I was just fooling myself. Sort of how I once thought this blog was an answer to something. That what I wrote here mattered at least to someone. I now know that is not the case. I now realize that nothing matters, except where money is made. There are no causes, only more subversive means to an end. If it does not sell something, if there is no money to be made, it is a waste of time. That is why the gun issue is so hot. It makes lots ...