Blog Ads yes, no, maybe
I wonder sometimes if anyone actually reads this stuff, or if all the hits to the site I get are just spiders on the web checking for prey. Well anyways, here is what I would like people to do, just comment on your social site of choice, be it Google+ , Twitter , or Facebook , and let me know if you think I should get rid of the advertisements on my blog. I really do not like them, they slow down the page load by a lot, and often I really do not like the ads I see, as they are often not really related to the post I am making. They may often be related to me, the person I am, based on my web history, but they are not related to the blog, or the person I am, the author of this blog. I think if I am going to have advertising on my blog, rather than it being an automated script, maybe I should just host static ads from things that matter to me, the author. In this way I am endorsing that which matter to me. I figure if it matters to me, as the author, the readers wi...