Looking into Chocolate's Face I have spent a few weeks now looking into the processes of converting raw cocoa beans into cocoa and chocolate. I am not really certain what the true difference is between chocolate and cocoa, except that one is usually for baking and the other is generally accepted as the name for the chocolate that we eat in combination with various amounts of sugar and milk solids. My interest is not in chocolate as it is generally known, but as it could be known. My interest is in delivery of medication. There are many benefits attributed to cocoa, and I have seen many of the clinical results. In my search I have found that the use of basic cocoa, not highly processed chocolate, is what would serve to provide the highest level of benefit. I have read about the benefits of raw unprocessed cocoa beans, and I have seen clinical studies, however the studies are performed on fermented and roasted chocolate (cocoa) liquor not on the unprocessed raw beans. I then ...
Showing posts from April 15, 2007