Passed Me by Again

Today is a good day, so far.  It remains to be seen how much actually gets done.  Just drinking coffee, thinking about the weather, and wishing I was somewhere else.

Load up the trailer, hook up the truck, get it all done before anyone else can say what, where or why.

I don't think so well in swipe.  My thoughts flow much better in ink, I think.  Still I'm trying to make it work.

I really just want a place for my dogs to run without threat of death or bothering anyone.  Where can I go where we can be left alone.  Where can we go, where we can have some friends over for a nice dinner and maybe a bit of brandy afterwards?

These are the thoughts that run through my head.  I don't think to much about tomorrow.  If only I can achieve some sense of peace.  Some place to call home, that is all we want, without the hassle from the neighbors, or local bureaucrats.

A hot shower, some clean clothes, a stove that works, maybe even a little space to grow a few vegetables.  Oh my would that be a welcome sight.  No one else but us two, and the dogs, maybe a rabbit or two.  Is that so much to ask?

A room where I can work, undisturbed.  A typewriter, do they even make such things anymore?  A bottle of bourbon and some nice tobacco.  There is so much to do to get there.  Everyone is so busy, busy with life, I am just waiting for the end, don't really care about the in-between.  Call me on the telephone, leave a message, and maybe, just maybe, I might return your call.

I don't have a cell phone, but I will have a phone.  You know the type with a cord attached to the wall.  I almost want a rotary.  When did I become such a Luddite?  Leave me be, with my scratchy pen and cheap notebook.  I am generating mysteries for the dime store, though they do not exist anymore.

So I have to format everything to sit on tablets and phablets, and readers and to be read on streams.  I have to chat with the fans, lucky I have none, cause they would be disappointed.  I sit here and think of what might have been, had I just followed my dreams.

It is cold outside, but my lovely wife warms my heart.  I need nothing else.  Do not worry about me.  A little help from my friends, if I had any.  They are out there living their dreams.  Good for them, I am happy for them, truly.  I just sit here waiting, waiting for the end.  Is it still cold outside, or has spring passed me by again.



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