
Showing posts from January 21, 2007
Danze-Macabre: Introductions You might have heard of Murder Inc., and other various organizations of the macabre. Along the way you will find common threads. Throughout history there have been many people who for one reason or another have ventured into a field we as citizens of a civilized culture can not condone. Be it ritual sacrifice, or cannibalism (an ism does that make it legitimate), there have been examples of either individuals, groups, or cultures that endorsed what we today may consider at least perverse. So what happens when the concept changes. What happens when the profile perverts. When the concept of the monster turns from what we perceive as normal into that which we have come to accept as some other form deviation. What happens when those that you would trust the most, become the one you should trust the least. When your mother, your father, your sister, or someone like your preacher becomes the perpetrator of such heinous crimes of cultural taboo that we can...
Biggest threat to U.S. drinking water? Link: So who would have thought the top worry among water experts turns out to be rusty pipes? Water, don't get me started. Our top priority is rusty and faulty pipes. Your kidding me, right. Oh yea, they are a concern, should have been twenty years ago, maybe more. But our biggest concern. Okay, let us assume that this is the huge concern they purport it to be. What is the solution. Replace them with plastic pipes. Hey wouldn't that mean the use of more fossil fuels, and the leaching of VOC's into our water supply. Oh yea, that's right we need one more way to introduce greater dependence on oil, a depleted resource. I agree that iron pipes used 50 years ago are probably in need of repair. They mention in the article that some of these pipes have been in service for over a hundred years. But after the extensive purifying process, water ends up in your glass after trav...
New Template Update Soon I am dissecting the blogger template as of right now, to ensure that I have all the necessary components. In a week or two I will begin using the new template on my site including the google ad space. I t will then contain code for a banner roll, that will be for sites I find interesting. It will also include a new index and heading that will introduce the site to people coming to the site. I figured while I was fixing the template, I might as well fix a few other things that bother me about blogger. I wrote my first blog on this site for the purpose of introducing the rest of the post to people visiting the site, but unfortunately the post list newest first, which is how I would like it, except I want my first post (the intro post) to be listed first. I also want a banner roll script that will exchange a few banners that I want to put on the site. Now I won't derive any income off these banners, they are not affiliate pro...
If you have ever seen this particular web log of mine previously you saw that it used a particular template. It used to use one type of template, and then another, but they were all "Blogger" templates. Well since their template broke and will not now go back to behaving properly, I will have to build my own. This is not a problem, as I code XHTML all day anyway, but the point of using blogger was to avoid having to do this very thing. Now I am forced to because they obviously cannot write code that can continue to behave, or throw proper errors when it should. I am not a flamer, generally, although back in the early 80's we were all flamers and hackers so I guess at one time I was such a creature. Now I try really hard to be tollerant of many things, and have especially appreciated blogger for the ease at which I could post some stuff to their site without having to do the template or CSS work. Now I will have to do that, so I have downloaded their basic template, ...
Get a passport before it's too late link: Good Morning everyone, welcome to the new dawn experience. Like the sheep lead to the slaughter people are heading to the Post Offices and other locations to obtain their Passports. This is a good idea, I believe that everyone should get their Federal ID as quickly as possible. Be certain that you get your chop while you are at it, because without your chop you won't get and chits and without chits you won't be able to buy Federal food, or even the party whiskey. And how could you get through the night without party whiskey and party cigarettes to numb your brain. Otherwise you might have to realize that your are being led to the slaughter one by one until everyone conforms to the party line. Conform or be cut out from the heard. Accept the party line or you will be sent to camp, where they will ensure that you will not remember why you were here. I...
Free Land You have probably already heard the story by now. Writing this now seems almost anti-climatic, but I will try to record the events as factually as I can remember. You are now probably in your homes, trying to live by the hour, hoping that you won't be exposed. Sitting there with your meager rations and your survival manuals, hoping that someone won't come knocking at your door. I hope the best for you, but I can't live that way. I had to get out, take the chance, and do something. The news reports will probably drone on for the next two years about possible causes or possible cures. They will continue to parade their experts across the stage in the hopes that you'll buy their brand of snake oil. What ever, you have it, not me, I'm on the road, taking my chances as I head towards the desolate regions, where the air is cleaner and the by now the land is free. Twenty-four hours ago, the news was new. I knew it was coming, could see it on the wind. T...
Okay now that I have seen it on the site, I will have to modify it to fit the format, although I will be changing the template soon, so maybe I will leave it be for now, and change it then, because I want it stay at the top, and rotate with a few other images I have now decided that I will feature. This complicates everything, so for now excuse the mess, as I have decided to leave it, for now and then change it as I update the template I use for this particular web log.
Well this is a first, I am going to feature a banner on my web log. If you are a fan of dark fiction, as I am, this site has some fairly high quality fiction available on CD. Normally I would just put the link here, but their banner is quite nice, so here it is (above), as a link to their site. Now that I have done this and have broken the cardinal's rules, I probably will go back to using very few if any images, and not specifically advertising on the log. I use a simple Google advertisement on all my web logs, because it is basic and unobtrusive, for the most part. I am fine with this until it changes. I am fine with Google having domain over the web log server I use as well, at least until they change something that damages my work here. When that happens I move on, and hope to recreate the same else where. I will be writing some stuff, if not here, in another web log on the same server, that I am considering for publication in electronic publications and print rags such as...