
Showing posts from January 13, 2019


At some point you come to realize that most your life was spent thinking you were creative, and the truth was hidden because the people you count on to be honest are not.  If there is anything I learned from all these years wasted, it is that you can not trust the judgement of anyone, they all have their reasons to lie. At least I can still do manual labor, but even that is rather outdated as the age of mechanism is upon us.  The more I think about it, the more I wonder why did I waste so much time, when I could have been such a good ditch digger.  Now there is nothing but waiting for whatever happens when I have no purpose.  I do not think I care enough to wonder too much. Peace JD

Elderscrolls VI

Bethesda must be under a lot of pressure to release the Elderscolls 6, especially after the debacle that Fallout 76, is and Fallout 4 was.  They have been so focused on trying to make some type of micro-transaction system work, that they lost track of the goal of just make great games. With the cash they had they should have bought a couple of the mid grade developers from the app world, and then they could have gotten on the app train.  It is too late for that now, and they just do not have the in-house talent to get it done it seems. So that leaves them with little option but to get back to the work they know they can do, making great games.  At least that is the thought of a reasonable person.  The trouble is the people that are at the top of the industry are not and have never been gamers.  They just do not have a handle on what makes a great game.    All they understand is charts of profit and loss.  They see other companies making mon...