
Showing posts from August 10, 2008
You got Soul That certain something and you don’t know what it is. You can not touch it; it is just there, that you are certain about. How can you be certain about something that for all intents and purposes does not exist? Something that only the priests tell you is real, is worth anything at all, and in most cases is more important than the physical self. How can you be certain that it does exist, and what is it? What if it was eternal, continuous and not nearly as mysterious as it is made out to be? Maybe it is something so simple that even our best scientists are unable to grasp the truth of the soul. First you must accept that the soul is a label of religion. The same internal something that drives our will to survive and our need to reproduce, could very well be that same something that we “think” is immaterial. Are you ready for this, there is no soul, in the common sense of the word, but there is something that is in every one of us, as well as every other living and m...
I've Seen This for a While Now The Coming Re-becoming Yet another great piece by James Howard Kunstler, on Cluster Fuck Nation. If you do drive around at all and you have not observed this condition, then reading this article will be a waste of time. If have noticed the slow burn of the country, from within, then reading this will only re-enforce your convictions. So either go back to watching the dribble on TV and go back to sleep safe in the thought that the Mole was discovered. Or, or you could look around and realize that the fairy tale is over, and maybe do something about it. Whatever, James
Energy As simple as it seems, energy is the force that creates life, as we know it, and as we do not know it. When we think about energy, we usually think about light and heat, and some other common forms of energy in their various stages of decay. What we do not understand is that energy takes many forms, is in many states, and at once it is always decaying at a rate that is imperceptible to us, although we should be able to understand it, because we as an entity are born to die. Now you would ask how energy would have intellect. That is not what energy does for us, the various synapse that fire in our brains that are taken for intellect are forms of energy that we mistake as our own creation, which they are not. They are parts of the greater purpose, to reproduce carbon copies. Our urges, our desires are fine tuned through ages of repetition and training to survive in a different atmosphere. As we are creations of elemental concoctions driven by energy decay, we are no less th...
Here's another video, but as good as it might be, it is not quite as good as the last one. However, it does help the "Peak Oil" movement, so at least for that it is worth promoting. So " Watch This Video ", so you too can get hot about Peak Oil. Thank you KrisCan for lending your powerful imagery to the movement. I would like to know what James Howard Kunstler thinks about her pitch, I somehow think he would be more than pleased to see the common usage of sex to sell the movement. So until I find something else, watch and let me know what you think. Thank you again "The Oil Drum" for your contribution and opinion on Peak Oil. Peace, James
I'm not sure where to place this, but I think it is important enough that it needs to go somewhere, so here it is... Watch This Video about peak oil. It is from one of my favorite sites " The Oil Drum ". I know I usually have more to say, but this video says it all. Cya, James