
Showing posts from October 11, 2015

Carbon Fibers

Years I have spent searching outside myself, for good or evil.  Who was driving this pen forward, what muse was manifesting the words inside my head?  Now I see the proximity of my death, I realize there is nothing, only living and not, and everything else is just memory imprinted upon the folds of our brains.  The rational mind is useless, it only does as it is told.  The creative mind is uncontrollable, it invents fantasies for we have not even words yet.  This interplay between mind, thought, reality matter, and energy, all lays out a pattern of behaviors for which we are unaware, for good reasons.  If we were fully aware, we would all be insane, by the definition that the people hold, for nothing would be beyond our grasp.  Your “grip” on reality is all that you have, lose that and the truth is nothing has form, it is all energy and the perception of matter. The sheep do not care for this philosophical bullshit, all they want is food and water...