
Showing posts from July 24, 2016

Agent Roads

As a very impatient type, I guess I will wait one more week to hear from the agent and if I get no response I will crank up the word processor again and reformat the novel for Kindle. It has been a long trip waiting on agents, and while I appreciate the work they have to do, I am inclined to believe that after a month if they haven't got back to me, the conclusion is going to be less than positive. I am inclined to think that if it is a piece they absolutely have to have they respond fairly quickly.  Consequently if it is one they want personally write the rejection letter for, they will be quite a while, otherwise they probably send out a standard form rejection to most of the stuff that crosses their desk. Can't say I blame them, with hundreds maybe even thousands of submissions a week, if the piece doesn't grab them right away, but it isn't so bad they can't get past the first twelve mistakes, well I guess that is why it takes them a couple of weeks to respond...

Political Discourse

It is that time of year again, when baseball is all but done, and there is nothing left to talk about but politics. So let me start right out with, I don't give a shit, though I often find the passions of others entertaining.  I am pretty sure the establishment is well aware of that fact. Let's start out by saying that politics is a game of money.  At some point you have to admit that fact.  So let's say you put your money on your horse.  You take your 20 dollars, or hundred, I don't care, we are going to say you spend 20 of your hard earned income on your political beliefs. For the sake of argument you support the conservative party.  I don't care really, it could be the libertarian, it even liberal left, I don't care, please try to follow along here.  This is not an attack on anyone or even our political system, just observations of disinterested party.  Mind you I am not apathetic, just deeply cynical. So you bet on your horse, the conservative p...