
Showing posts from September 23, 2007
Ever say or do something you wish you hadn't. Try to ignore the post about the kids on drugs, that's not me, that's me reacting to some emotional bullshit, and that's just not me. I would remove it, but that is against the gypsy in me. Sometimes I just want to say some shit, and then I say naw, that ain't what I really feel, that's only the shit that gets me angry for the moment. Used to be I would hold onto it, wait and analyze it, and lately I have just been so fucking what. I guess I have been caught up in that shit and trying to be like someone I think I am not. So that's all folks... Sleep well James
When I started this blog I really didn't know what I was going to write about. I just figured it would work itself out. I started a few more in various places in order to experiment with various other directions, but they don't seem to be any better. I guess I really just need to put everything in a single blender and let it work its way out, but I don't know. I read a lot of blogs lately, some are really good, funny and relevant. I am rarely funny, and rarely relevant. I thought maybe I would just comment of stuff, there are tons of those blogs out there, but I can't seem to comment on most stuff i see on the web, it has already been done. Hell I don't even know what I am writing here, I sound like a whiny bitch. Forget it, move on and maybe next week I will figure it all out in my head. James
The Drugging of Our Children by: Gary Null Have you seen this? My first reaction... Have you seen this, are you a parent, do you want to be, can you believe this shit. Even if only half of it is true, which I believe that more than that is, it is completely unbelievable. Are you all fucking asleep, are you really that fucking dense, is your pathetic excuse of a life worth that much. Watch this, get pissed, and do something, now. I will be posting this everywhere, and writing letters, and making sure that everyone sees this. Maybe it is not too late, maybe we won't have to live in a "Brave New World". I really hope this does not let you... Sleep well; James
Used Book Stores Independent Book Stores in Rochester, NY I am a huge fan of books, and especially used books. As much as I am a web user, even to the point of reading books on the web on such sites as Project Gutenberg and others, but I still like the feel of a book. I collect some older books, and even on occasion I sell them on eBay . Well since I moved up to Rochester this May, I don't know where any of the book stores are, except the ones i used to go to in far away places. So I am doing a search for good independent book stores, especially the ones that have used and old books. I will also be looking to list the local Libraries where often you can find good deals on used books. I often find good books for sale there, and maybe even a gem or two that I keep for my personal collection. I need to find a bigger house, so I can buy more books. I started my search with the big dog Google and this is the result . Then I opened up my search to the other puppies, here's Ya...
Ages of Consent Of drinking, of driving, of consent, where does it end. At which age is the appropriate age for whatever activity. How do we judge maturity is a better question. This leads directly in the idealistic concept of prostitution, or even marriage. While historical basis provides examples for all sides, as there are not two clear cut sides here, so does the the bleak pronouncement of the future if current trends persist. This is not to say I do not agree with ages of consent, in a respect of what privileges are allowed, but that I am uncertain that age is a sufficient factor for the determination of culpability of consent. Whereby I might agree that at 14 years of age no one, not even myself has enough culpability to be consensual in any true sense, I cannot say that is exclusive. Even in modern cultures there are examples where "children: as young as 14 were more culpable than some "adults" in their 30's. In Americas especially we are resigned to t...
I have often seen art presented on the web, and not being one that is a stranger to art, I appreciate it well. However on occasion I come across a site that demonstrates my preference for artist more so than some others. I am not speaking of the actual work here on display, as I regard the nude to be of such a subject that for the most part most people could not appreciate it, except that it has erotic or sexual contamination. I appreciate this site for the understanding of the artist themselves of their own part in that field of creation. And for that I post here my recommendation that sometime in your life you take a look at this site Univers d"Artistes ( I can not give more than this, even if you were to ignore the photography, the content would be worth the look, but please check it out, because without art we are but empty flesh, and that does not matter the subject, as I have discovered that the subject is subjective. I really wi...
Not the Usual Crap Now I might be a bit cynical here, and I am certain that I am, but I have had quite enough of all the bull shit. People need to get over themselves, in oh so many ways. I am no advocate for socialism, fuck that, I think the bastards that decided to use that term to mean communist, or some other form of government, didn't understand what a society is. I am not a liberal, not a republican, or conservative, or any of those other fucking useless terms people use to find disorder in their lives. No I am apolitical, not against government, shit even if I was what the fuck good would it do, there are too many of them, and more just waiting in the wings to take over when the current ones fail to entertain the current crop of blithering idiots that seem to feel the need to have some form of organized institution control at least 99% of their pathetically simple lives. So that established, I'm listening to Bob Dylan singing "Lay Lady Lay" and wondering if ...