
Showing posts from April 8, 2012

Earthly Desires

What have I of such things, this stuff that surrounds me, and by its weight alone drowns me in the mire and murk of modern existence.  These letters appear on the screen by some trick of the light, from which it seems, that any such urchin of any such means, could as well produce these lights in as a well formed way, if not immediately, within a quick moment of time.  No true labor is expended, no true arch of movement of appendage, but of digits etching digits onto what for all intents and purposes appears to be a page of some mystical origin. This grand presenter, with sound and picture, that holds fast to wall and structure by a fastening of unseen creation, processes light and radio waves, providing a view into what is most easily taken as a society, while outside, beyond the colors and shouts, there lives and breathes another sort of life.  It knows this, or so it is known, at least to those that by some distant eye see into the souls of its practitioners, all...

Handmade Maybe

There is a certain expectation that is accepted when something you buy says handmade.  You generally expect that it was made by some persons hand.  To be more specific you expect that it was made by the person selling the item, or that to some degree there is some relationship to the person selling the item, and the person that made it.  You also have the idea that it was made for the most part by hand, not with a machine, although to some degree you can consider certain tools as part of the makers hands. A knitted sweater that is advertised as handmade, may very well have been made by some one’s hand, or at least on a manual machine, but that does not really make it hand made if the seller is just buying from some large selection of goods that are available to the buyers in general.  There is that the item that is considered hand made, should also be rather unique, if not entirely in design, at least in values of numbers of them available.  If a mold is use...

Internet Update

Yea, well I have at least for now found a way to get back online for a while, do not know how long this will last, but take what you can while you can, and let it be.  I hope to find a way to solve the issue more permanently but until then, I will be posting here as I finish some works I have worked on while I was off line.  Well that's all I got for now, but I may put more up later, back to the grindage.