EW2: Diary of an Alchemist
EW2: Diary of a Alchemist If I were a rich man, I would buy stupid things, like a Bodum French Press, 12 oz. (Google Affiliate Ad) coffee maker, and a Bodum Bistro Black Burr Grinder (Google Affiliate Ad) . I don’t like the grinders I have had in the past, always trying to grind the coffee too fast. This generates heat, and burns the grind before it even touches the heat of the water. Is this too much to ask. If I were a wealthy man, like a sultan or a king, or better still like a priest, I would make coffee every morning for myself and anyone who stopped by, as long as they brought some sort of treat. I would buy my coffee in large sacks, 50 lbs at least, a 100 kilo or so most often, and in the green, and roast it myself, in a roasting house. The smoky flavors would waft upon the wind, calling out to princes and peasants and bakers of all sorts. I would blend my coffee as I pleased for the moment, although more often than not, it would be a ...