In the world there is magic. Not the type that you would think of, that type where you perform some spell and you get something in return. I do not discount that type of magic, for it is around us, be it positive thought, prayer, wishing, or any of those types of things, you put enough effort towards something, and willing to make the necessary sacrifices and it is likely you will get what you want. What I am referring to is the type of magic that is, and all you have to do is notice it. You could call it wonder, you could call it many things, but it is all around us, and we have to but take notice for it to unfold before your very eyes. We tend to look at things from the perspective of how we can use the world around us. What value has the land, the trees, the fruits and the nuts, for our own purposes, without realizing that they are not for us, but for the purposes of reproduction of the species. This escapes us, for we are far too focused on p...