Something More Better

I am trying to post a little more, yet I still hate swipe.  I guess hate is really to strong a word.  I just do not feel like it is the same as writing.  I especially like the feel of a fine nib as it snatches out words on the page.  It is almost like I am engraving the paper with the pen, only easier.

All in, I am waiting, for the light.  Not much else to do, just sit here, and watch more videos.  I can see a future for us, as slim as it is, it exist.  I like to think of the future, yet sometimes I think is there any future for us really?  I am never prepared for the worst, because no matter what happens it could always be worse.  How do you plan for that?

In the meantime; I wait, I think, yea soon, not real soon, but soon, we will get a break, and the ridiculousness will finally cease to plague us.

What nonsense is this, man you can tell I haven't had enough coffee.  I will try to post something more better later.



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