
Showing posts from January 21, 2018

Beam to Deck Joist End Bracket

This took me the better part of an hour. This is the top beam bracket for the end of the beams that sit on the concrete pylons to tie in the deck joist.  It is set up for a double deck end joist.  I will post more later. Peace JD

AR or Not

It's augmented reality ready for work?  My take on it is that not quite.  I liked Google glass, but I see the problems.  I also see the potential, but it is only one part of the augmented reality.  In addition to vision, there needs to be other senses.  In addition the devices need to interact with applications, and with the world around us. I am thinking it will take a while, but there are some VR offerings that are getting better, but they lack the ability to interact with the world.  It will be a while, but at least things are moving, and that is something. Peace JD

Another Tesla X This article is a decent in-depth look at the Tesla X, the SUV from Tesla.  Like a lot of their offerings, for most people it is too soon, but given another five or ten years and they will be definitely a great choice to make. Still if you have the money and just have to be that person, then any of the Tesla offerings would be a good choice.  As of right now, their stock is the thing to watch.  I think if they continue to work on the commercial vehicle and powerplant areas, it really could propel the company forward. Release of the model 3, will help, if they can work out their issues and continue to innovate, they will at least be a good but for quite some time. Peace JD

New Colonial sort of not

Not even going to attempt to post an updated picture of the design, as I have to start over.  I realized I was doing the post completely wrong.  I tried to make it work, but I want to do it right, so back to the scratch pad.  I am going to try to use the newest version of Sketchup Make, the one that is on the browser, and see if that is any better.  It might be easier as I might have better access to the warehouse, so I won't have to construct all the materials myself.  This will be especially useful when it comes to the post ties, as I am using concrete pylons with 6x6 post above the grade. I thought I was making good progress, and then the whole thing just dawned on me that it was all impossible to accomplish the way I was doing it.  It is not that big of a deal, but it does set me back some, and I won't be posting any new pictures any time soon as the detail work is definitely far more detail than I like to do, so I do so in small burst. I will try ...