Playlist Lose (Smart BS)
I just looked up the process of making a playlist, on any service provider, and while most of them have different processes, they all fail. Why do they all fail? Because they all claim some sort of benefit to their playlist, and since I have to do the work of selecting songs (YouTube, being the exception), to fill the playlist, they all fail. Five years ago I would have been like okay, but I have spent the last five years listening to music almost exclusively online, and yet I still have to tell them how to make a playlist of my preferred music. These providers can deliver targeted advertising to me browser based on what I search for, videos I watch, music I listen to, etc., But they can not somehow manage to compile a playlist of twenty songs I frequently listen to. That in my book is a complete fail. If you can not use all that data you collect on my online presence for anything other than your own benefit, and claim it is for my benefit, yet it does not...