On Gods and Such (a slight look)
For some reason the whole God thing has come up a lot today, like it has to be dealt with. While I am slowly churning through the information that is available to me through the various sources, the truth is I guess I have to at least address this from my own perspective for the moment. I do not actually understand the God. I can understand how it could be created, but I do not understand how it still has any value to people. I do get that there is something that is significant about this world we live in, but that it is something more than just a unlikely coincidence is far too unlikely. Think for a second how unlikely is your birth, with one egg and perhaps half a million sperm, the pairing that makes you happened. If that is not enough evidence of random choice, I do not know what else can be said. If it were not for the evidence to the contrary, I would not have such an opinion. The God should reign in his minions as they are so far out there...