
Showing posts from 2011

A Treatise of the Body Exterior

This sense we perceive of some physical machine, which is that which is the body of the person, is comprised in most of parts of parts, loosely held together by strings.  The form of these strings is such that it forms systems as it might be known of operations that to the external perception are physical in nature, while in truth they are manifestations of a natural extension of something that is entirely non-physical.  Therefore the motion of the body is purely a thought, and the thought is focused perception, within a domain of potential. We all think the same thoughts, as a common conscious decision, and individual thought is but an extension of this like mind, perpetuated as a stream of repetitive design.  Some concern is present in the deviations were they that, but expressions of the common, moderated. If not of the knowledge of the class of thought projections, and therefore unaware of levels of perception that exist within the levels of consciousness, ...

Slow wit

What the hell am I doing here, this place, where I am at.  If I...

New Years Gift

For those that wonder, what the hell am I up to, well here is a taste of what is being now rewritten to be released most likely in the early part of January.  This is just a snippet of a second draft, but I think it will give you a little feel for what is coming.  Don't mind the names, they are still up for debate, as are some other details, but the story is fully developed, has been for many years, it was just waiting for today to get out from the notebook into cyberspace. My News Years Gift to all of you, enjoy. Sleeping Dogs “Well it is about time we got to work, don’t you think?” John said to the crew of men who were working on the (Greek word for dog).  If they were not already working such long hours now, they would be, and he knew they were capable of much more. As a chorus rose in practiced harmony, “Dogs don’t work this hard on Mars” they all sang. John knew the refrain to that old song; he knew it from every point of view.  He had been where ...
I was working on a project, I had tentatively titled "Cooking With Arleta".  Arleta for anyone that does not already know is my wife, and she is a passionate and superb cook.  This was supposed to be a collaboration between us, incorporating some of my style with mostly her style, with me writing it, as I happen to write often. I was hoping this project would go quickly and I would have it done by this Spring, but while I feel that this should be easily accomplished, it most likely will not be this year.  Therefore I will be writing another book instead, one that also has been waiting in the wings, although I can not at this time provide any reasonable time table, as it is only in rough draft. I will provide more when more is known, thank you for your patients and attention. JD
Well the book "Another Fey Tail" has been downloaded 84 times so far, so I hope that will be good for later, when I release the next episode in the series.  Episode three should be out sometime in the first week of January, with episode 4 following about two weeks there after.  I am going to try to get them out every two weeks, as I also will be releasing two other works in serial format, as well as two books, sometime this spring.  I am hoping that everyone will like the serial format, as I like the way it works for me.  It allows me to get some of the work out there while I complete the rewrites on the rest of it. I have already started the second book in the series, and as it stands right now, it will only be two books, which once released fully in serial format, will be released in a collection of the two volumes in hard cover format, sometime around this time next year.  I really hope to release the hard cover format around the end of November of 2012, b...

AFT e1&2 published

Well, Another Fey Tail, Episodes 1&2 are now in the hands of Amazon.  It should be available on the US site within the next 12 hours, and worldwide in the next few days.   I will post the link as soon as it becomes available. I will also post when the free days are.  I was hoping to have them for today and the day after Christmas, but now until I know when things get up as they should be, don't expect anything until at least mid week.  I will most likely have Episode 4 ready right after the holidays, with bi-weekly frequency there after. Of course if you really want to you can wait for the publication of the full volume, but that will take a month or so, and will most likely be even longer than that, as I am also working on two other books in the series, and another serial in a different genre, so you might as well get it in serial format. That's all for now.

Cover Me

Well I am not a drawer, this much is quite well documented.  I know they all say you can if you want to, blah, blah, blah, I apparently do not want to, 'cause I draw even on computer like crap.  However I need a cover for the book, and since I am not about to hire an artist, well it really comes down to economics, I can not afford an artist, and I do not have much time left to complete this, I have made a mad attempt at it.  This is the first draft so to speak of the cover art, I am still not certain I like it, but it may just come down to run what you brought type of thing. Well that's it I figure it isn't as bad as I might have thought initially, but I am uncertain, so I will have to see how I like it later.  And before anyone ask, no the symbols do not mean anything, they are just stylized graphics loosely based on the Sumerian cuneiform.

Just Another Unusual Day

What do you mean another usual day, it is Solstice, don't you know what that means? Yea, another holiday, on top of all the other holidays, that have been pressed upon this season to distract a good hard working person from their assigned duties.  It meant something once, long ago, before, before it meant nothing, just like everything else does.  Now it is quietly observed properly by those that still believe they are in tune with something they have very little connection to. You can not buy a holiday.  You can not go out and purchase a season.  Your money is no good here, in this celebration.  It isn't about what you have, but what you share, what you give, what you do with what you have, not what you can get from what you don't have. That is not what has made this an unusual day.  The other day I did my annual friend list update on Facebook.  This is the day where I add people who seem to matter to me, for some reason, or I might think I...

Cap in Hand

I would like to admit to something, I currently have my "cap in hand", and for you islanders that don't know what that means, please listen to this by the Proclaimers .  Now, now, before all you Scotts get yourselves in an uproar, oh shit too late, they is born that way, I ain't saying these guys are anything, but they make a point that is sort of universal.  We people of this great nation, not the national of any one, but this nation of one, have got our heads up our asses, and even though this pop duo is more or less the same part and parcel, they happen to have, maybe by accident, put up the point on which I would hereto like to elaborate. If you have listened lately to any news feeds, I mean any at all, you will find that there are two themes, maybe better said as undercurrents.  One is that there is a new world order, and this I can assure you there will be, but let me get into that in a minute.  The second is that the youth is against it, and that has not ch...

Another Fey Tail

Quite a long time ago, for you see I am older than I report, I happened upon a place in the wood, not unlike many that you have most likely seen. Having traveled quite a ways for a day, I concluded that this little clearing would be a perfect place to rest and have my dinner before the sun bowed its head. It is so much harder to set a fire when there is no light to see by you know. So I dismounted my dapple grey mare, and removed her bit, so she would have nothing in the way of her dinner as well. I was gathering the supplies for a nice little fire, when I noticed right in the middle of the clearing was a fire all ready to ignite. Well I thought, that was odd, as I had not seen this when I first looked, but how thoughtful of the last traveler to this place. It was then I decided that I too would return the favor, and ensure that I set the pit with fresh wood before I left the next morn. I finished gathering wood, so I would have some for the fire this night, and plenty for t...

The Facing Place 10-16-2011 JED

The Facing Place  (The Story of a Store) What is a store, but a place to store things.  The basis that it has a retail aspect is but an effect of the fact that it stores things.  The goods that a store has is what is provided to it from the people who make things, or harvest things, or otherwise bring into reality, stuff that needs storage.  These are things that are over and above those things that each individual could have, or would have, in such quantities as that they had a surplus of things, such as that they would need additional storage for that surplus.  Being that they do not have the storage for the surplus, and short of building storage for the surplus, they have no place to place this surplus of things, so they need storage. They could purchase storage, but then they would need an ever increasing amount of storage for those things that do not perish, and would need to distribute or dispose of those things that do perish, creating the need for a...

OWS Response 10-05-2011-1

I have read a lot of this, though not all of it, and as that would leave me to be less completely informed as I would like to be, as to all of this there is already a methodology that does not require growing the national debt, or increasing government oversight, and it punishes the large corporations at the same time.  It is simple, stop buying their crap, if we just stop buying their stuff, they will cease to have profit.  Buy as local as possible, work as local as possible, live as local as possible, and provide community support as you can with what you can.  Know your local sources, support local businesses, ones that are actually local, not local branches of large corporations.  When we vote with our dollars, we vote across the lines, there is no politics in economics.  Deglobalize the American way, stop demanding the government do for you, and do for your self and your neighbors.  Demand that the government stay out of regulation of morality, and ...

The Collector (draft 918111)

The Collector By: James E. Doud (c) 9/2011 James E. Doud Using Open Copyright Published By: James E. Doud The Collector -1- My father was a hoarder, my mother a product of the former great depression, so it is not surprising that I tend towards collecting.  People collect things, nic-nacks of all sorts, treasure to one, brick-a-bract to the other.   Everyone collects something to some extent.  When I walked into the house, I could see that it had collected about three years of dust. Whatever else was in the house was only to be known from under that dust, and whatever else was waiting in the shadows.  After three years it was bound to be the haven of all manor of rodent and insect, all co-habating in this dusty old house.  That it had stood these last three years vacant is evidence of it structural integrity.  Judging from the vines...