Driving in my car, with the tunes turned up, some crap from the static filled world of commercial radio, I hate it. I don't mind the advertisements, so much, but the endless chatter of so much bullshit from the dj's just pisses me off. Who the hell do they think they are, none of them are funny, most of them are just base, and then I feel like turning the dial, but there is nno fucking dial anymore. At my PC, I am listening to lastFM , which plays lots of good songs, with no freaking dj's to interrupt the music. I control what I listen to, and that makes me happy. If it were only a little more intuitive, and read my mind, well at least my cache, which is the mind state I am in as far as the browser is concerned. I think about this as I contemplate building a web site, again, once again. The trouble is I don't know what to sell this time, some service, or some product I don't believe in anymore, or anything that is repeated so much, it makes me believe that t...