My Next Favorite 2

I don't really have favorites per se. I usually go from one obsession to the next and back again with liquid fluidity. Today I am thinking that wouldn't it be nice to let some people in on a few of my thoughts. Well I am thinking that I want to craft a new photograph. Mostly because I am bored, and because I have to do something while I wait for the bank to make their move.

So today we will maybe pick up the boy, if everything goes according to his Father's plan. Well that's fine because I want to shoot him too, but not in that way that you are thinking, no I mean with the camera. I have to go to the storage shed and get the tripod for the camera.

Today I am going to go to the Salvation Army store with my wife Arleta, my step son Justin, and maybe, just maybe our friend Mary, oh yea what is her name America, awesome. While there I am going to look for a look that I want to portray in my next photo of Mary. Arleta will have to help me, I need just the right look. I also need to pick up some acetate from the local office supply store and get some vasoline, oops what am I thinking, I can do that in the GIMP. I still think in the camera the way we used to think when we were shooting film. So then I need to scout a site, and I really want a dirty one, gritty city lights, so against Arleta's wishes (sometimes getting outside the comfort zone is good for the soul) we are going to go downtown at night and shoot some shots of Mary in this get up I am envisioning. If it works out I will post the results here, and it will be cool. If it doesn't work out I will post the results here, and tell you what didn't work out, and maybe why. I need to rent a real camera soon, but that will come someday.

Do they sell knickers anymore?



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