Blog about Blogging My Style I have been at this since blogger was in beta, not a new beta, but when it was the first beta. I hop all around this blog sphere and see these blog babies who have been here for maybe like a few months, and they are nearly famous. What's the secret? Don't answer that, I know what the secret is, but I ain't buying it. I am here at least now to just write my shit and ask the hard questions. If anyone listens in, hey that's their problem not mine. So sit back and enjoy the ride, because it is going to get fun around here and I don't make any promises that it will always be pretty. Peace James
Showing posts from 2007
Brewerton man accused of death threat - News from The Post-Standard on
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What do you Believe part 1 The key thing is that we don't know. That we are unable to know, either in science or in religion, for we have no way to verify the history. The past disappears with each day, and decays with alarming speed. That which we do discover about the past is our perception of the past, not the facts. We can only guess at what is provable, and with that, the religious text also are but accounts of what is subjective perceptions of a past that was before the authors of the religious text. It may be that man developed through intervention by others, as it is sometimes suggested. The gods, as it is actually written in the bible, until at some point the managers of the christen religion decided that having more than one god would complicate things. They did their best to re-write the passages, but some still exist today, and are evident in older versions of the bible that persisted. At one time it was deadly to have an older version of the bible, because that...
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Ever say or do something you wish you hadn't. Try to ignore the post about the kids on drugs, that's not me, that's me reacting to some emotional bullshit, and that's just not me. I would remove it, but that is against the gypsy in me. Sometimes I just want to say some shit, and then I say naw, that ain't what I really feel, that's only the shit that gets me angry for the moment. Used to be I would hold onto it, wait and analyze it, and lately I have just been so fucking what. I guess I have been caught up in that shit and trying to be like someone I think I am not. So that's all folks... Sleep well James
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When I started this blog I really didn't know what I was going to write about. I just figured it would work itself out. I started a few more in various places in order to experiment with various other directions, but they don't seem to be any better. I guess I really just need to put everything in a single blender and let it work its way out, but I don't know. I read a lot of blogs lately, some are really good, funny and relevant. I am rarely funny, and rarely relevant. I thought maybe I would just comment of stuff, there are tons of those blogs out there, but I can't seem to comment on most stuff i see on the web, it has already been done. Hell I don't even know what I am writing here, I sound like a whiny bitch. Forget it, move on and maybe next week I will figure it all out in my head. James
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The Drugging of Our Children by: Gary Null Have you seen this? My first reaction... Have you seen this, are you a parent, do you want to be, can you believe this shit. Even if only half of it is true, which I believe that more than that is, it is completely unbelievable. Are you all fucking asleep, are you really that fucking dense, is your pathetic excuse of a life worth that much. Watch this, get pissed, and do something, now. I will be posting this everywhere, and writing letters, and making sure that everyone sees this. Maybe it is not too late, maybe we won't have to live in a "Brave New World". I really hope this does not let you... Sleep well; James
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Used Book Stores Independent Book Stores in Rochester, NY I am a huge fan of books, and especially used books. As much as I am a web user, even to the point of reading books on the web on such sites as Project Gutenberg and others, but I still like the feel of a book. I collect some older books, and even on occasion I sell them on eBay . Well since I moved up to Rochester this May, I don't know where any of the book stores are, except the ones i used to go to in far away places. So I am doing a search for good independent book stores, especially the ones that have used and old books. I will also be looking to list the local Libraries where often you can find good deals on used books. I often find good books for sale there, and maybe even a gem or two that I keep for my personal collection. I need to find a bigger house, so I can buy more books. I started my search with the big dog Google and this is the result . Then I opened up my search to the other puppies, here's Ya...
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Ages of Consent Of drinking, of driving, of consent, where does it end. At which age is the appropriate age for whatever activity. How do we judge maturity is a better question. This leads directly in the idealistic concept of prostitution, or even marriage. While historical basis provides examples for all sides, as there are not two clear cut sides here, so does the the bleak pronouncement of the future if current trends persist. This is not to say I do not agree with ages of consent, in a respect of what privileges are allowed, but that I am uncertain that age is a sufficient factor for the determination of culpability of consent. Whereby I might agree that at 14 years of age no one, not even myself has enough culpability to be consensual in any true sense, I cannot say that is exclusive. Even in modern cultures there are examples where "children: as young as 14 were more culpable than some "adults" in their 30's. In Americas especially we are resigned to t...
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I have often seen art presented on the web, and not being one that is a stranger to art, I appreciate it well. However on occasion I come across a site that demonstrates my preference for artist more so than some others. I am not speaking of the actual work here on display, as I regard the nude to be of such a subject that for the most part most people could not appreciate it, except that it has erotic or sexual contamination. I appreciate this site for the understanding of the artist themselves of their own part in that field of creation. And for that I post here my recommendation that sometime in your life you take a look at this site Univers d"Artistes ( I can not give more than this, even if you were to ignore the photography, the content would be worth the look, but please check it out, because without art we are but empty flesh, and that does not matter the subject, as I have discovered that the subject is subjective. I really wi...
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Not the Usual Crap Now I might be a bit cynical here, and I am certain that I am, but I have had quite enough of all the bull shit. People need to get over themselves, in oh so many ways. I am no advocate for socialism, fuck that, I think the bastards that decided to use that term to mean communist, or some other form of government, didn't understand what a society is. I am not a liberal, not a republican, or conservative, or any of those other fucking useless terms people use to find disorder in their lives. No I am apolitical, not against government, shit even if I was what the fuck good would it do, there are too many of them, and more just waiting in the wings to take over when the current ones fail to entertain the current crop of blithering idiots that seem to feel the need to have some form of organized institution control at least 99% of their pathetically simple lives. So that established, I'm listening to Bob Dylan singing "Lay Lady Lay" and wondering if ...
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I'm just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round... John Lennon I don't know why I happen to be thinking about that particular song today, but there are many times I really identify with that particular line. Very often I feel like all I can do is just sit here watching the world from a slight distance. Whenever I try to immerse myself in the goings on, I only get frustrated. Now I could go about being frustrated and ranting to whomever would listen, and maybe that is what I should do, it certainly worked in the past, but I can't think that being negative is going to help any. So I guess I will just sit here watching the ships roll in, and then I will watch them roll away again... for a while anyways. Sleep well, James
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Natural Laws, Attrition vs Attraction Although I believe in the law of attraction, I also believe that the law of attrition prevents everyone from applying attraction. There is a finite resource, if we believe that the universe is infinite, then we must also accept that attraction is infinite, yet it is not. Again the universe can not be infinite, as that detracts from the natural truth of resources. Each reflects the other, the universe is reflected in the individual, and the individual in the universe. The individual is finite, therefore the universe is also finite. This is evident in the death and birth of stars. The physical reflects the spiritual or meta-physical. As more is attracted to one there is less for all. As one gains others lose. This is attrition. A set of finite resources are distributed, and energy is only so thick, given the narrowness of the energy at the edges of the source, attrition is greater than the attraction. A black hole attracts all that is near...
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I just joined a new social site called zaadz , and posted to this forum there about raising $25 billion dollars to help save the world. It just goes to show the ignorance pervades all levels of society, even those that call themselves visionary. Although the foundation thing is a good idea, it tends to give people reasons to excuse themselves from real action, which is what we really need to do. Anyway, check it out, and let me know what you think.
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This is some old Jazz I wrote a few years ago, just thought I would put it up here, and that way I could edit it for use later maybe. No books to guide us in our way, only the elements of order, in their own way, so free and boundless, only natural selection can be this random. This is a distinct advantage, for we are not bound by particulars and interpretations. Probably the most difficult part is the label. I have never been good with labels. When you label something it becomes something else, not precisely what it was. Nothing becomes nothing because we attach a certain meaning to that. Therefore to properly name something the intonation intones with that name are carried over. People are most comfortable with names. Without them discussion is difficult. How do you discuss or study, whatever. There are no tombs of text from which to draw upon. From what scrolls do we pull our rituals, and ceremony? Without these trappings of literature, how are we to determine who we are?...
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Is this really good for farmers, or is this just pork? I don't know but this article ( )on Organic Consumers Association site (one I frequent often) about Senator John Tester , and his support of a new Organic Farm Bill, seems to me to be something that will maybe help farmers from Montana who own large farms (like Senator John Tester) but I don't think it will help to many others. I will have to look a little deeper into it, and into the senator himself to learn more, so expect that there will be more about this here later, or on my more agriculture related blog Frontier Spirit . Sleep Well; James
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Remember When, Sortof I am not at the point where I sit here and I am looking at other people who are on the TV and talking about growing up, and I am thinking hey I did that too. I went no where for all my various talents, so what the hell happened. The cameras put to bed, the quill broken, the pots and pans are cold, and all those other fantasies have been all but forgotten. For the last ten years I have tried hard to make a living, doing work, the kind of work that I thought I was never going to do. I was destined to be known if not famous, no more infamous, and reclusive. Writing scathing and cynical reviews of society from my obscure locations,, only appearing occasionally to collect on the royalties that would support my secluded lifestyle. I met who I thought would be my soul mate, and sh e is in many ways. However I believe that in my attempt to be a regular joe, I have actually lead us down a path of hardship that I should not have. In my attempt to heal from too many ...
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Cooking With a Hammer A few years ago I wrote a book called "Cooking with a Hammer". I never published it, because I was an idiot and I thought the publishing field was full of bullshit, and I was not going to hoar myself to them. At this point I wished I had, because I no longer have that book, because it was written on my old Apple IIc which has long now been gone, sniff, sniff. I am now going to write a new book, a tribute to the original, mostly because at this point in my life I can not capture the original cynacism and scathing wit that made CwaH different from the usual cookbook. This new book is tentatively called the "Breaking Down of Bread" and will deal with the making and using of bread. Well isn't there already a few hundred books on bread, by much more famous people than yourself, you may ask, go ahead you may ask. Sure there are, but that doesn't matter, it used to matter, but today it does not. The best part is when I wrote CwaH there w...
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Just some more stuff I am thinking about. I have been studying the pet industry and natural pet care. Especially the area of pet nutrition. This information can be found anywhere on the web, but I am thinking that I can put together a small blog that will bring many of the various resources into one place. I am also going to add my comments, and general knowledge to provide helpful information useful to anyone seeking a better life for their pets. My study is by no means complete, but I hope to make this a work in progress, with an e-book made available every once in a while that will be sold to help support my efforts. I do have to pay for the internet. The last few days I have decided to try to put our dog on a "made diet" to see how well it goes. I expect that there will be some changes in her, even some that may seem like sickness, until she gets better.
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Just some more stuff I am thinking about. I have been studying the pet industry and natural pet care. Especially the area of pet nutrition. This information can be found anywhere on the web, but I am thinking that I can put together a small blog that will bring many of the various resources into one place. I am also going to add my comments, and general knowledge to provide helpful information useful to anyone seeking a better life for their pets. My study is by no means complete, but I hope to make this a work in progress, with an e-book made available every once in a while that will be sold to help support my efforts. I do have to pay for the internet. ---------------- Listening to: WRVO via FoxyTunes
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Looking into Chocolate's Face I have spent a few weeks now looking into the processes of converting raw cocoa beans into cocoa and chocolate. I am not really certain what the true difference is between chocolate and cocoa, except that one is usually for baking and the other is generally accepted as the name for the chocolate that we eat in combination with various amounts of sugar and milk solids. My interest is not in chocolate as it is generally known, but as it could be known. My interest is in delivery of medication. There are many benefits attributed to cocoa, and I have seen many of the clinical results. In my search I have found that the use of basic cocoa, not highly processed chocolate, is what would serve to provide the highest level of benefit. I have read about the benefits of raw unprocessed cocoa beans, and I have seen clinical studies, however the studies are performed on fermented and roasted chocolate (cocoa) liquor not on the unprocessed raw beans. I then ...
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Facism is at Least Honest Re: From Heather's Blog Original Re: culture whores tribe Most excellent re-post. However fascism would be preferable to a false democracy or republic. Fascism is only observable from outside the state. Those that live within are blind to the regime. History has demonstrated the class system is permanent in human nature. The classes that exist are so well developed that even those that are in their particular class do not acknowledge their own class. Only the very top of the class system has the ability to see the classes that are below them. Let us examine the basis of this. The top one percent in the class system is always the top one percent. Two factors do not change. The top one percent, and the bottom 64% of the classes. Where the changes occur is in the top 5%, the middle 10%, and the middle 20% of the classes. Reviewing this we have 1%, 5%, 10%, 20%, and the 64% remaining. The top one percent are likened to gods, or divine influence. T...
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Primrose Pansies and Proletarian Panza Chicken little is falling, and she won't get up. The end of the world as we know it is far from coming to a television station in your area. By the time it is announced on your local network, or in your favorite web blog, the time will be gone. Oh, wait it already is. Perfectly manicured lawns are a true sign of demise. When there is too much for you to do, and you have no time for the rest, you know that you should really be out there trimming the hedges and spreading more fertilizer on the lawns. What I am waiting for is the searing reality that will certainly come, but probably at such a slow pace that most people will become accustomed to it before it even reaches the proportion necessary to make an impact. The reality is that most people will not see a difference. They will not notice that many of their neighbors are no longer around, because they will leave not in droves, but a few a time. There will not be any explosion, as the m...
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Color Blind James Rant 1 So here's the deal, I am trying hard right now not to be very upset. Just once I would like to see someone make a color blind game. One that doesn't rely on color to determine how the game will be played. Let us for a moment imagine that not every person in this world is capable of seeing the full spectrum of color correctly. I am not certain that anyone has heard of colorblindness, but it is a fact of my life. It prevents me from driving commercial vehicles (large trucks, commercial jets, ships, and the like), and a few other not really very inconveinent things, but what really gets to me is that obviously game developers are not colorblind or not concerned. Sleep well... -James-
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Why Hackers are Good As if this hasn't been presented a few hundred times before. If I had done my research properly, which I will once I have decided what I want this to address. Essentially what I want to say is that hackers not only press the buttons of the established software (and often hardware) developers, but they also quite often develop them selves the fixes to the errors that they exploit. There are many who have disagreements about this subject, and often those most opposed are those that have propriatory rights to their software. I am not reffering exclusively to the Open Software vs Propriatory software debate, but even those so called crackers, spammers, virus writers, and all the other cyber crimimals. We want to complain about them, and write about them being "evil", while we maybe should look at them differently. There is no doubt that they the wrost of the hacker persona, are attempting to steal information. This is a question of trust by the com...
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Dancing with Me Sculpter However long it takes, that is exactly how long it takes. I can't tell you how long it took, but I can tell you how it feels, how it smells, how a lot of things, but time slips away from me. Time is not an issue, perfection cannot be rushed. There is no deadline, the medium is already dead. They don't feel a thing, I do all the feeling for them. They taste nothing, I do that for them. They hear, see, smell nothing, I do that for them. They will always be dead, but I will live for as long as I can, and through me they will be given a new type of life. I consider myself an artist of the finest art. For I work in the finest medium. Scupting with remains, perfecting the dead, and giving them life through artistic crafting of their bodies. Perhaps there are a few out there that do not consider what I do to be art, but who are they to say. I may not get acolades from any gallery or art society, but my work continues to bring comfort to many of the li...
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Blog Test I am looking over my blogs in the past on this particular blog. I see that I am still testing the waters, and haven't developed my style yet. I haven't even settled on a particular signature yet. So I will continue to test things, and see if they get responses. So far no one really has responded, but I don't really care, because this is for my benefit, and maybe I want to publish stuff that doesn't matter to anyone else, so it doesn't matter to me what others really think, at not in reference to this blog. I have several other blogs, most of them are more pointed, and some of them are even private, so I will continue to publish in some form. There is no such thing as private, as even though I may make a blog private on the server, it is on the server and if at some time they decided to make it public it is well within their rights unless I pull the data of the server before it can go public. Any way I have a bunch of stuff to publish here now so tha...
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Daily Rants The problem is I don't always have a daily rant. Right now I have three post I just haven't got to. I don't mind deadlines, although I hate to think that I should set them form myself on a blog. I see other blogs that include things like new every monday, which is not too bad on the surface. I can sometimes go a week without wanting to post anything. Sometimes I will write several pieces and not post them until several days later, not because I am editing them, but because it just is easier to do that way. So I don't always have a daily rant, but I quite often have a weeks worth of rants in one day. -James-
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Danze-Macabre: Introductions You might have heard of Murder Inc., and other various organizations of the macabre. Along the way you will find common threads. Throughout history there have been many people who for one reason or another have ventured into a field we as citizens of a civilized culture can not condone. Be it ritual sacrifice, or cannibalism (an ism does that make it legitimate), there have been examples of either individuals, groups, or cultures that endorsed what we today may consider at least perverse. So what happens when the concept changes. What happens when the profile perverts. When the concept of the monster turns from what we perceive as normal into that which we have come to accept as some other form deviation. What happens when those that you would trust the most, become the one you should trust the least. When your mother, your father, your sister, or someone like your preacher becomes the perpetrator of such heinous crimes of cultural taboo that we can...
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Biggest threat to U.S. drinking water? Link: So who would have thought the top worry among water experts turns out to be rusty pipes? Water, don't get me started. Our top priority is rusty and faulty pipes. Your kidding me, right. Oh yea, they are a concern, should have been twenty years ago, maybe more. But our biggest concern. Okay, let us assume that this is the huge concern they purport it to be. What is the solution. Replace them with plastic pipes. Hey wouldn't that mean the use of more fossil fuels, and the leaching of VOC's into our water supply. Oh yea, that's right we need one more way to introduce greater dependence on oil, a depleted resource. I agree that iron pipes used 50 years ago are probably in need of repair. They mention in the article that some of these pipes have been in service for over a hundred years. But after the extensive purifying process, water ends up in your glass after trav...
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New Template Update Soon I am dissecting the blogger template as of right now, to ensure that I have all the necessary components. In a week or two I will begin using the new template on my site including the google ad space. I t will then contain code for a banner roll, that will be for sites I find interesting. It will also include a new index and heading that will introduce the site to people coming to the site. I figured while I was fixing the template, I might as well fix a few other things that bother me about blogger. I wrote my first blog on this site for the purpose of introducing the rest of the post to people visiting the site, but unfortunately the post list newest first, which is how I would like it, except I want my first post (the intro post) to be listed first. I also want a banner roll script that will exchange a few banners that I want to put on the site. Now I won't derive any income off these banners, they are not affiliate pro...
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If you have ever seen this particular web log of mine previously you saw that it used a particular template. It used to use one type of template, and then another, but they were all "Blogger" templates. Well since their template broke and will not now go back to behaving properly, I will have to build my own. This is not a problem, as I code XHTML all day anyway, but the point of using blogger was to avoid having to do this very thing. Now I am forced to because they obviously cannot write code that can continue to behave, or throw proper errors when it should. I am not a flamer, generally, although back in the early 80's we were all flamers and hackers so I guess at one time I was such a creature. Now I try really hard to be tollerant of many things, and have especially appreciated blogger for the ease at which I could post some stuff to their site without having to do the template or CSS work. Now I will have to do that, so I have downloaded their basic template, ...
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Get a passport before it's too late link: Good Morning everyone, welcome to the new dawn experience. Like the sheep lead to the slaughter people are heading to the Post Offices and other locations to obtain their Passports. This is a good idea, I believe that everyone should get their Federal ID as quickly as possible. Be certain that you get your chop while you are at it, because without your chop you won't get and chits and without chits you won't be able to buy Federal food, or even the party whiskey. And how could you get through the night without party whiskey and party cigarettes to numb your brain. Otherwise you might have to realize that your are being led to the slaughter one by one until everyone conforms to the party line. Conform or be cut out from the heard. Accept the party line or you will be sent to camp, where they will ensure that you will not remember why you were here. I...
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Free Land You have probably already heard the story by now. Writing this now seems almost anti-climatic, but I will try to record the events as factually as I can remember. You are now probably in your homes, trying to live by the hour, hoping that you won't be exposed. Sitting there with your meager rations and your survival manuals, hoping that someone won't come knocking at your door. I hope the best for you, but I can't live that way. I had to get out, take the chance, and do something. The news reports will probably drone on for the next two years about possible causes or possible cures. They will continue to parade their experts across the stage in the hopes that you'll buy their brand of snake oil. What ever, you have it, not me, I'm on the road, taking my chances as I head towards the desolate regions, where the air is cleaner and the by now the land is free. Twenty-four hours ago, the news was new. I knew it was coming, could see it on the wind. T...
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Okay now that I have seen it on the site, I will have to modify it to fit the format, although I will be changing the template soon, so maybe I will leave it be for now, and change it then, because I want it stay at the top, and rotate with a few other images I have now decided that I will feature. This complicates everything, so for now excuse the mess, as I have decided to leave it, for now and then change it as I update the template I use for this particular web log.
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Well this is a first, I am going to feature a banner on my web log. If you are a fan of dark fiction, as I am, this site has some fairly high quality fiction available on CD. Normally I would just put the link here, but their banner is quite nice, so here it is (above), as a link to their site. Now that I have done this and have broken the cardinal's rules, I probably will go back to using very few if any images, and not specifically advertising on the log. I use a simple Google advertisement on all my web logs, because it is basic and unobtrusive, for the most part. I am fine with this until it changes. I am fine with Google having domain over the web log server I use as well, at least until they change something that damages my work here. When that happens I move on, and hope to recreate the same else where. I will be writing some stuff, if not here, in another web log on the same server, that I am considering for publication in electronic publications and print rags such as...