Facism is at Least Honest

Re: From Heather's Blog

Original Re: culture whores tribe

Most excellent re-post. However fascism would be preferable to a false democracy or republic. Fascism is only observable from outside the state. Those that live within are blind to the regime. History has demonstrated the class system is permanent in human nature. The classes that exist are so well developed that even those that are in their particular class do not acknowledge their own class. Only the very top of the class system has the ability to see the classes that are below them.

Let us examine the basis of this. The top one percent in the class system is always the top one percent. Two factors do not change. The top one percent, and the bottom 64% of the classes. Where the changes occur is in the top 5%, the middle 10%, and the middle 20% of the classes.

Reviewing this we have 1%, 5%, 10%, 20%, and the 64% remaining. The top one percent are likened to gods, or divine influence. They are always the top one percent and no other class is aware of them, except through which they are informed by the other classes. The one percent does not change, in biblical terms, you are either a god or you are not, if you are a god, you are not reading this, and if you are not, you are not believing this. That is how that percentage works. Gods are not replaced, they are not displaced, they are, or they are not. You or any other class can not become part of the one percent, it can not happen. You or any other class can not become gods, they can only perceive gods as they are able to perceive them.

Below the one percent is the 5%, or the ruling class. The ruling class is long term classes, living through succession, but they are not invisible, all other classes know they exist, and to some extent who they are. Each other class, save the one percent, has a perception of the 5% class. The 64% class only knows that they are the right rulers, and that no matter who the actual people are, they are the rulers. The other percentages have different views of the 5% class. The 5% changes often, although for the most part the blood lines remain true through the 5% class.

Below the 5% is the 10% class. They represent the cultural leaders. They are often raised to the 5% through diverse means, and can be lowered for a short time, historical evidence shows that they are likened to the priest class (this includes certain professions such as medical doctors, and political advisers). They often interpret the work of the 1% class, as well as often highly influence the 5% class. The 10% class is a pivotal class that often suffers great turmoil and upset, partly due to their numbers being high enough to warrant diversity that is disruptive to the 5% class.

Below the 10% and 20% class is the 64% class. This is the peasant class. They are where they are because they allow themselves to be where they are because it is human nature to allow someone to rule our lives. We have always had tribal leaders, even the smallest tribes have a council of leaders, even if those members are also active in the daily activities of the tribe. The 64% does not concern itself with the workings of the other classes. They accept that they are what they are because that is what they are born for. They see the upper classes as necessary functions of the society in which they live, however they see no reason to become involved in the inner workings of the others. The 64% leave the thinking to others, often to the 10% class, and occasionally to the 20% class, but always to the 1% class. They are peasants, and always will be no matter what fantasy they are sold, they have no need for the other classes, and often believe there is no other class, as it matters not to them who rules, as they pay their taxes to who ever rules, regardless of who they are. The 64% does however also provide the man power behind all actual work that is achieved, save the work of the gods (1%) which is beyond the perception of all other classes, except in interpretation. They are also the cannon fodder of both warring factions, the victims of the ruling class' corruption, and the value of chattel for other class' proof of the other class'.

Lastly is the 20% class. This class is reserved because it represents the outside class, or the class of the artist. I use the term artist in the same vein as Socrates, meaning all those that practice their professions as though they were an art. This includes intellectuals, scientist, "artist", performers, healers (but not doctors), educators, and others. This does not mean every artist or every scientist, but those that practice their particular field as an art. Common science is common to many people. Healing and performance is often part of many other class' practice. However those that are dedicated to their art Tesla, Pablo Picasso, Francis Bacon, Keats, Browning, and many others who have exerted disconnected influence on the society, and continue to do so, even after their work may or may not be valid, are artist of the ilk that I speak of. A primary example from today is that Enya is an artist (a true bard), while many musicians being recorded for radio are quite often not artist in the true sense. They are performers, but they are performers that follow a prescribed track, and that means they are part of the 64% influenced by the other percentages.

My study of class, society, and other parts of culture throughout history has shown me that this is not a condition, but part of society and culture that is unavoidable. All but the 1% are mutable, changing to some extent as prescribed by the plans that are implemented by the other class', and influenced by the interpretation of the 1% class' works.

When talking about political factions, the reality is that we as humans look for leadership, no matter what the class we are ascribed to. When we seek leadership in any form what we most desire is benevolence. We also look for leaders that are free of constraint when deciding what is best for the majority, while considering the individual. This is a benevolent monarch. We look to a leader who can keep the best interest of the tribe in check with the needs of each member of the tribe in a fair and equitable manor. Although this is potentially possible in a very small organization (tribe or clan), very often it can not last beyond the initial founders. Often a second choice is the council organization type, where members of the tribe are given voice through a group of leaders. This is likened to a representative republic, and has succeeded in the past for a short time. Tribal life has shown that this works as long as the culture to which it is ascribed is in agreement and isolated. On exposure to other cultures the political structure is threatened, and therefore in defense it must shift its energies from benevolence to defense of its divinity. Perhaps a socialist republic can provide a type of benevolence but this will be slighted by the need for the republic to protect its secrecy while protesting transparency.

I do not have an answer, only questions that lead to new and deeper questions. Perhaps others will see in what I have found an answer that they seek, and in that I am justified.

Sleep well...


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