Amazon Reviews

I've been buying from Amazon for quite a few years now, and have really increased my number of products I buy from them over the past couple of years.  I think it is time I went back on the site and actually provided some reviews of the products I have used.

Oh wait, maybe what I should do is write the reviews on a blog, and then use a snapshot of the full review, with my blog site link in it, to post on Amazon.  And I could put an Amazon affiliate link in my blog post to the product, so when I publish the blog post and update my Twitter feed, it would have the affiliate link built in.

Now I need to build a Twitter post frame, so that too enhances my brand.  Wait first I have to build the brand identity.

I guess posting a review on Amazon just got a whole lot more complicated.  Well first I need to see if I can actually build a template for the blog.  There is a lot to do, I really need to get busy.



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