Fuck This Cheese

First off, why the fuck do these fuckers have to keep ucking with this shit, really pick a fucking look and stay with it.  Every fucking time I go to use this fucking thing they have changed it, so I have to figure out where everything is again.  Stop fucking with shit.  I think the problem is these fucking software people are to bored so they keep fucking with the shit, instead of finding something else to do.  This is never a problem in the manual labor world, because they are way to busy and work too hard, to worry about making shit look different all the time.

So yea, what I really came here for is to say that I am never going to be a cheese maker, and I do not believe that anyone would have ever made cheese if it required you to stand there stirring the fucking shit for almost an hour.  These fucking idiots that write this shit now days are so full of themselves and so full of shit, there is no way people who had few hundred other things to do, sat around stirring milk for nearly an hour.  I just do not have the patients for this shit.


  1. Okay, I have to retract some of this, but not all of it. I am getting used to the new interface, and it might actually be better, might be.


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