The Jean Genie

So the next question in this quest is to see if there are any old textile mills that could be put back into operation.  The criteria here is that they must be able to produce cotton denim fabric of at least 18 oz, but more would be better.  They should also be able to produce jersey knit fabric, and a lightweight denim or standard shirting weight fabric.  It may be that two mills will have to be located.  They should also be near the primary source of material if possible, so for cotton that would be south of the Mason Dixon line.

I am also looking at a woolen mill, but that is something completely different, although related.

Once the fabric is sourced, made and ready for production, it will be necessary to find a factory that can produce the products.  There has to be some old clothing factories that would have most of the tooling for the purposes of making jeans, t-shirts, and button down shirts, or maybe two or three would have to be put to use.   Machines can be brought back to life, and new dies made if necessary, so that it can produce a quality pair of jeans, decent t-shirts, and decent denim and cotton button down shirts.  They all have to be located in the USA, and preferably not far from where the fabric is produced.

Again woolen factories will be used to produce wool goods in the same manor.

The design work will be a process of development from current patterns, and working from those with the materials to create the perfect pairs of jeans.  Once that is done, other sources will be found for the metal pieces, and lastly new patterns and dies will be made to produce the jeans, t-shirts, and button shirts.  Everything will be sourced from the USA and made in the USA and sold through an online web site, as well as possible retail channels.

One thing that will not happen is the cost can not exceed the original estimate, so deals will have to be made, and profits forfeited if necessary to ensure that the cost remain constant, and the workers remain paid a decent wage for their work.

Let us say I did this, and I could make $.01 per pair, or that is what I want to make per pair sold.  Okay, if we sell 1000 pairs of jeans per month that is $10.00 in clear profit per month.  If we sell 100,000 pairs, well you see where this is going.  It is all about selling good quality jeans at a reasonable price, and making sure that the workers get enough that they can afford to buy the products they make.

This model can be used for most products, and once it is done once, it can be repeated, it only requires someone to start it.  I think crowd funding may be the answer to at least getting this plan underway.  I will look into that, and see what can be done, while I continue to work on the plan, along with all the other things I am doing, so do not expect that it will be done anytime soon, but eventually.



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