Cookies and Cream Cake, one of those bad ideas

There are some things that I have purchased that I do not have buyers remorse from, but I can tell you that if I did not buy it on sale or at a discount, I would not have and will not most likely ever buy it again.

The other day I purchased a Cookies and Cream cake from Price Chopper in Gouverneur, NY, in the "day-old-bakery" rack for 50% off the retail price.  Now I have done this in the past with some items, mostly breads, and they have been great, sometimes a little less than "uber" fresh, but if you are looking for a nice loaf of crusty bread for dinner and you do not want to wait till tomorrow, this is the best place to find it.  This is quite expected, and exactly what I expect from that rack of baked goods, so I am not generally surprised, although I have been, but for other reasons.

So this last week, well really two days ago, I purchased this abomination, and it was something I will not do in the future.  Sure I will still purchase the breads, but I will not experiment again with some type of unknown cake or something.  This cake was a combination of their coffee cake cake, with a sugar glaze, and Oreo® cookies, mixed with the glaze and in the cake mix.  It was really basically horrible, and I did eat some, just to be certain that it wasn't me or my particular taste of the moment, but it was just horrible.

Now I do not want to say that for some people, this would not be an awesome cake, and well worth the cost even at full price, although I doubt that, but still it may be someone's favorite cake.  It is just that I do not like it, at all.  Judging by the presence of several of them in the reduced bakery rack may also be an indication that they are not quite as awesome as Price Chopper might think they were going to be.

I still think that the reduced (day-old) bakery rack is a good place to get some of the best deals in bakery items, especially since at their full price some of them are just ridiculously priced.  There are some really good deals on really good items, but I can tell you that I will not likely experiment with new stuff anytime soon, and I would never purchase that particular cake at full price that is absolutely certain.

So, yea I do not want to this to reflect badly on Price Chopper, they are what they are, or on the bakers, or on baked goods, or even this abomination they created with all the best intentions I am sure, but that for me, it was about as difficult to get the second piece down as the first, which is a clear indication that it is not for me, and although I am out $4.00 for the cake, throwing it out was worth the loss of cash.

Maybe if I had some kids around to eat it, it would have been fine.  By the way they used their coffee cake base, which is actually pretty damn good, when paired with the cinnamon and brown sugar crumb topping, but absolutely horrible when paired with that cookie and sugar glaze.

Okay, enough of that, and I will now return you to your normally scheduled program of whatever it is that you do that is more entertaining than reading my benane writings.



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