The New World Order is Now

Written by: James E. Doud 11/3/2004

We have seen the last of the elections and democracy as we have perceived it in the United States. There is very little chance that there will be another election that will hold any significant meaning. More for the purpose of placating the mid-west masses, there will be mock elections with clear winners known by the administration before the election even starts. The Supreme Court will agree with this, as they will be stacked to specifically judge laws in the favor of the new administration. Although at this time it is difficult to tell if they will abolish the practice of election all together, but that at least in most part the process of election will be directed to the extent that we will be part of the process only for the television audience.

What that leaves us with is the conditions under which we can work within the atmosphere that has been cemented with this recent turnover. Organize our organization to fully gather the leftist pagan population, with the leftist academics to rally enough to amass enough force to subvert the right wing conservative machine.

Yet more to come here...JED


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