Pouring Ginger Beer into a Glass

Here I am pouring Ginger Beer I made into a Glass.  It is not a very exciting video, but the content of the bottle is more important to me than the video of it going into a glass.  This was a twenty (20) day ferment, with about three days in the bottle.  It has been charged with my own mix of ginger and 10X sugar, and left for three days.  The first day, I tried some, it was very rough.  Today, I can honestly say that it is much smoother, and I think if I were to ramp this up a bit, to about 3 gallons (7 liters) I could age some of this in a wine bottle for about 6 or 8 weeks and see if it gets much smoother by then.

I really think if I could start using a barley based mix it would come out with much more body, and about the same ABV.  I can't say what this is, but probably close to 3-4% ABV like a cheap wine.  That is what I got from it right off, is that it tasted like a cheap box wine.  Now it has mellowed a little, and has more of a ginger beer flavor.

Now it would be really good for mixing with Vodka and a little mint, to make an excellent Mosco Mule.

As it is, it is about the right place for just drinking it, and not getting that hard alcohol hit from the nose to the tail.  Now there is just a slight hint that it is not just a fizzy bubbly drink.


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