Campaign Site Comparison 2020

Upon first opening the campaign websites I can say this much, the Trump site is about Trump and only him, the Biden site indicates that it is aware I am from NY State and it is a cleaner more upbeat presentation.

However neither one of them have any real answers to policy issues up front.  They are both just asking for donations, and you have to dig for data.

This is a mistake, they both are reading my cookie data, both have access to marketing data, and neither one of them are making use of it properly.  If they really want to swing voters, they really need to utilize the technology to really target the voter, by targeting their campaign sites appropriately to the user.

Just from my IP address they should at least know that I am from upstate NY, as my IP pings as Spectrum from Syracuse, NY. They should know I am a spectrum customer, as well.  My location should at least reveal a few issues that would be important to me.  If they continue further into the data available from my cookie data, they would know a lot more, and I know they look at that data, they apparently just do not know how to use it properly.

Nothing on either site provides a clear and concise direction out of Covid-19, out of our current economic condition, through various global issues, or for that matter any other issue, and certainly not health-care or cannabis regulations.

As far as I can see, it is business as usual, from either camp, and neither one will give a straight answer, because as I said before, they are suckled from the same teat.


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