You Are All Fucking Peasants as far as I can see

Peasants are fucking stupid, and should not have the means to enter any part of the political process.  These fucking retards that think breaking up Google is good for the company should look at the break up of Standard Oil, Bell Telephone, and those are just the big ones.  Sure it might have seemed like a good idea at the time, and the workers thought they were going to get bonuses for being behind the break up, but all they actually got was unemployment checks.  Look it up, you pictury fucktards.  This is where the big tech companies made their mistakes.  Peasants have to be miserable, if they are not mistreated, oppressed, and miserable, they will seek out a way to correct that issue, usually at the cost of those of us that are trying to get through this charade they call life, with relative peace.

I am out of this shit, you fucking people are far too sucking stupid to even save yourselves from your own ignorance.  I am not talking about breaking up Google, or any other tech company, or any thing like that.  I am talking about the shortsightedness, lack of vision, entitlement, and willful ignorance of these idiots that think they will get free blowjobs and spit shined shoes from anyone else but Google.  Fucking idiots, all of you, deserve the government, and society you deserve.

Bernie Sanders has never been anything but a communist, hippy, want-to-be (the correct way to write "wannabe") with quite likely the worst math computation skills of any former wharf rat I have ever seen.  He needs to stop taking acid and thinking that all the good ideas he comes up with when he is tripping his balls off, that they will work in this world.  Fucking idiot.

Donald Trump, a fucking idiot that believes he is still on TV, and emulates characters like Tony Montana, and the early mafia gangsters.  Not the reality of the mafia, that his father dealt with, but the Hollywood version that he watched on TV and theater screens.

Joe Bidden, one of the good ole' boys, or so he would like you to think, but just another political stooge, trying to convince you he is both centrist, and for the workers.  He is none of them, and only his connection to Washington gives him any notoriety or he would just be another political junkie trying to get his knob polished by the peasants who should not even be involved in politics in the first place.

Well there is your front runners in the dog and pony show, and let us hope the peasants win this one, because I was getting damn sick of the bull market, and opportunity for everyone.  It will be so much better when everyone is miserable, out of work, and standing on the soup lines, because maybe then they will be able to see beyond their own willful ignorance and stupidity.

Fuck You All


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