Elderscrolls VI

Bethesda must be under a lot of pressure to release the Elderscolls 6, especially after the debacle that Fallout 76, is and Fallout 4 was.  They have been so focused on trying to make some type of micro-transaction system work, that they lost track of the goal of just make great games.

With the cash they had they should have bought a couple of the mid grade developers from the app world, and then they could have gotten on the app train.  It is too late for that now, and they just do not have the in-house talent to get it done it seems.

So that leaves them with little option but to get back to the work they know they can do, making great games.  At least that is the thought of a reasonable person.  The trouble is the people that are at the top of the industry are not and have never been gamers.  They just do not have a handle on what makes a great game.    All they understand is charts of profit and loss.  They see other companies making money from apps, so they want to make that money.  They see mmo's and how much they make, and want to do that.  They are not those other companies, and they can not do what the other companies do, but they haven't figured that out yet.

Now I am not against the mmo, no I play them sometimes too.  The trouble is, if you are unable to make a decent mmo, no name will make it better.  They tried, ESO did not work, FO76 did not work, they have not successfully built a mmo that worked.  They need to come out with a game that is true to what they do, just to prove they are not out of the gaming business.  For instance when will the next Sims be coming out?  Not soon if ever, that brand is mostly dead, to complex and does not port into the console and app world well enough for the developer.

All the AAA developers seem to have started to fade, while indie developers sweep in to take their place.  This happened before, it will likely happen again.  Atarri is gone, except in name only.  Most of the big names in games from the early days are gone.  They were eclipsed by game studios like Bethesda when it first started to develope games.

Can Bethesda reinvent itself by going back to what they do best, make great games?  If they came out strong with Elderscolls VI, without the issues of the previous title, and a great port to console not the other way around, they just might redeem themselves.

It remains to be seen if they can get out of their groin long enough to see the crown.



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