Can You See 2020 From Here

Hey, let us all take an interest in this election, won't that be a hoot.  I'm just looking into the Democratic front runners, but I will be looking at them and others for a while.

Let's hang out and see what tomorrow brings

In the first feel, Biden vs Sanders, it is a east coast vs west coast your of thing.  They are both neocon Democrats with liberal tendencies.  I think, just napkin thinking here, that Biden could have the edge, but Sanders has the cleaner past.  They are not old boy southern Dems, or dyed in the wool blue bloods, or even staunch conservative whip politicians either, so what the hell are they.

Shall we dig a little deeper and find out?  Of course we should, and the rest of the political scene.  I am going to avoid the politics of the Republicans for now, it is just too volitile to touch right at the moment, even for me.

And one other thing, I am now looking at the markets again, so yea, that might skip into my account as well, just saying.



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