More Amazon Hate BS

Everyday I see some article bashing Amazon because they are a horrible company for (insert reason of choice here).  Now I am no fan of Amazon, but I am a prime member.  I have been a prime member pretty much since that service has been offered by Amazon.  I don't even use it all that much.  I buy a few things here and there, just like I but things her and there from Walmart.  If I wanted to be some type of elitist who sticks my pampered nose up at any low end retailer, yea both of the aforementioned retailers would be in my list, along with several others.  I am not, I am a realist in this respect.

I buy stuff I need, and I love on a fixed income (trying to fix that) so I shop at such places because they fit the budget I have.  I also do not want to waste a lot of fuel going from market to market trying to get the things I need.

Enough of my shit, now about Amazon being a horrible company.  Hell they most likely are not the best company to work for, what one is.  This article talks about mistreatment of workers.  Give me a break, please.  I've looked into working at an Amazon center.  It is not really any different than working for UPS or any other shipping company.  Yes it is fast paced, yes it is hard work, but sometimes hard work is all there is.  These people that work at Amazon are likely not people who have a master's degree in anything.  They are indeed labor.  They make fifteen dollars an hour picking products and putting them on a cart to be shipped.  Are you kidding me.  What kind of job do you have, oh that is right you are a blogger, and that means you make your living talking shit about other people you have no real connection to.

I was a computer technician for the better part of twenty years, now retired I talked care of my wife who had a debilitating disease.  That means she needs me to be there for her 24/7/365.  I would gladly take $15 an hour over the barely subsistence income the government expects my wife to love on.  I won't go into the whole BS about if I try to work full time, provide healthcare for my wife (especially of any quality), and pay our bills.  Just letting you know that before my wife got sick I was a full time working stiff.  And work I did.  I was on the road six days a week, usually from before the sun came up, and I rarely got home, if I got home, until way past sundown.  I rarely saw my wife or or children, and yet that made me a better guy.  I made more money, but paid it more money, so ready no further ahead at the end of the day.  Very often I came home, slept for for hours and left.  I might as well not had a home.  My money went into my account and out again to pay bills and expenses, and I'm not sure what else, I never knew what the family did.  On Sunday I slept most of the entire day waking up enough to take a shit, a shower, and put some food in my gut, so at 4am Monday morning I could get back on the road and fix the technology that makes all this shit possible, including the servers that run your blog.  At least if I worked for Amazon I would be home everyday, and though I might not have made quite as much money, I would not had spent quite as much trying to make that money either.

At least those people have jobs.  Amazon provides jobs for thousands of people.  Unskilled people who do not have a useless degree, or a student loan.  When I got my first job when I was 16 I earned $2.50 an hour waking dishes.  The cooks were assholes, the wait staff thought they were above all the back of the house.  The manager only cared that you showed up, and treated you like shit.  I cleaned up after elitist pricks like you, for barely enough money to spit at, and I was happy to get my check each week, so I could afford to have a like fun on my day off.  I've been a cook, I've built houses, I've repaired things, and kept the internet going for useless ignorant bleeding heart liberals like you all my life.

Sometimes you should consider that shit work is paid shit, because it is shit and someone had to do it so prissy pricks like you can decry the working conditions of people you would look at with disgust, especially if they didn't have a job, even if it is a shitty one.



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