Breaking Up

I think to much, sometimes.  I know, how is that possible.  Well I can tell you it is.  Sometimes it is better to just let shit happen, and sort out the details afterwards.  However that too can lead to unwanted consequences.  Finding some balance is not often easy.  That is or should be the goal, to find balance between cognitive constipation and irrational impulse.

Bad habits multiply, so why does it seem that good habits seem to divide?  I do not know why, but that does appear to be the law of distraction.  Kind of wish the law of attraction worked half as well.  Once in the downward spiral, it becomes difficult if not impossible to show the momentum.  On the other hand, when climbing up, it seems there is no end to the work against falling down.

I know there is a breaking point somewhere, and I know I've been there, but getting over that, is an effort most are unwilling or unable to do.  Then there are those that seem to persevere no matter what.

I do not know the answer, but I am trying real hard to find it.



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