Now That I Think of It

I am not too certain I will be online much longer.  As I look at the future of online, I see the writing on the wall.  I already pay for too much, and as software as a service starts to really be a thing, it will be the end of software for me.  I mean sure there will still be some open source software out there, but for how long, and will it be able to compete.  One thing it will not do is it will not have access to the world wide web, though I believe that it will have access to the network.  We will be back to using IP addressing like in the days of BBS and 300 baud modems.

We will have to build our own networks, from discarded surplus network switches, and wireless channels that haven't been used in ages, like the old renegade radio operators used to do.  We will also have to use burst, as I am sure they (the FCC or whatever corporate and government watch dog service they have at that time) will be looking for such impromptu networks.  Run a few messages, and then move, go dark, because we don't want to give them any signal to track.

It will be difficult as Amazon and Google will have bots on the networks looking for just such ad hoc networks, and will be able to find them in very short order.  We will have to watch the skies for drones, supposedly delivering packages, but they will be looking for hackers, for any undesirable individual that does not pay for their services.  We will have to grow our food under the limelight of the sun, when we can see it, otherwise we will have to forage the refuse dumps of the elite and mega-cities.

If this sounds like a dystopian fantasy plot, I wish it were.  Perhaps I will write it as such, so to hide the truth that is on the horizon, through what will be seen as fiction.  Maybe some will see the truth behind the lines of pretty prose, and those that do not...



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