300ish Cabin Update 013118 Beams are Needed

The 300ish square foot cabin based on the Euclidean Phi ratio so far.  Still a lot to go, and the single deck bracket is just there to illustrate the bracket, I will have to lay out the deck first to place them on the beams properly.

The beams are built up beams from rough cut 2"x10" boards of various lengths so that no seams are beside another seam break.  They have 1/2" CDX plywood (exterior) between each layer of dimensional lumber, and are glued and nailed.  They are nominally 22' long giving the entire deck dimension of 13'5/8" by 22', which maintains the ratio of Phi (mostly).  The deck will sit on top of the beams with double ends, double centers, as the deck will be built in four parts, put on the beams, bolted together, and tied with the beam to deck brackets.  The deck will also have joist hangers for the deck joist.  The beams are also tied to the concrete pylons using brackets.  Each pylon has two J-bolts that are bolted to the brackets to tie the beams to the pylons.  Doing this will mean we will not have to have huricane straps, as the entire structure is tied to the concrete pylons.  The pylons are 8" above the ground surface.  The ground surface will be prepped to provide a level plane, which will include drainage tiles and pipes to ensure that the pad stays dry and level (as best as we can given the knowledge of soil types for a particular area).  The pylons are 48" though this is for areas with cold weather (zone 3) where the frost line is 48".  The pad will be dug down for 24" to provide space for tiles and substrate for drainage pipes.

Since this will also have a Geo-thermal pump installed, it may include a deep hole for the piping, but that is usually best if done outside the actual house, as the pump is not under the house.

That is the update for now, I will post more when I get more done.  Sometimes it is quite frustrating working on this as the software sometimes is a bit wonky, and I need a better mouse.  At some point I want to purchase the Pro version of SketchUp and the SketchUp mouse, which even at about $800.00 (for software and mouse) is still about $1,200.00 cheaper than the comparable offerings from companies like Autodesk.

Eventually this as well as at least three other designs I am working on will be made available in an ebook format, with links to download the designs in a format that can be presented as plans for the construction of any of the houses.  Most of the houses are on the small side, though not tiny per se, the larger colonial is over 1000 square foot, while this one is just under 300 (296.something) square foot.

Just a little disclaimer here; no these links are not affiliate links.  I used to have affiliate links, but Amazon pulled my account for inactivity or some such BS, and I have never actually had any type of Google affiliate account.  The fact is I provide them so that if you wanted you could actually see the stuff I am talking about.  I am done with trying to play that game, it just does not work for me.  I do still have adsense on my blog, mostly because I haven't taken the time to remove it, though I most likely will in the near future.  In the ten or so years that I have been blogging I have earned nothing for all the advertising I had on it, and I am not going to blog stuff just to get advertising.  I do this for me, if others find it interesting that is cool, enjoy it.  Comment if you like, I do not say I will even notice the comments, and I have no notifications set up on this blog anymore, nor do I check my email all that often.  If you really want to contact me, send me a message through Twitter, though I do not even respond all that quickly to that either, so do not expect a fast response.  Hey if you want to be all generous and shit, I have a PayPal, if I get some comments about such things I might consider putting a link in the blog so people can donate to my work through PayPal.  Share this if you want, take the work and do as you wish with it, I don't care, it is for my own reasons I do this.  I would like to get credit for my work, but I do not seek any real recognition, just doing what I do, and fuck the rest.

Some people say I should do a video blog or something like that, but so far I have not done well with the video thing.  I am not interested enough in such things to take the time to make quality videos, and really unless I can make them to my standards, what is the point of making them at all.  I am considering making videos for my Minetest and MineCraft plays, but again that remains to be seen.  Right now, it will not likely happen anytime soon, as I just do not care enough about the whole social scene online to bother.  Yes I have a Twitter account, yes I have a Facebook account, yes I have a Pinterest account, yes I have a Snapchat account (which is weird because I do not have a smart or even dumb phone), and yes I do sometimes even check on these streams, though usually only Twitter and G+, so those are the two to best contact me through.  So, yea that is the disqualifier BS that should help people if they want to contact me.

Thank you,


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