Watching the Porn Go By
While in the 1970’s they might have developed the idea of sex, drugs and rock and roll, it was in the 1980’s that it actually came to be. 1980’s was porn, pure unadulterated porn, the whole decade, all the movies, all the advertising, everything was porn. The fruit of the 1960’s generation, the 1980’s was the decade of porn, of this there is no doubt.
Sure today many of the woman on screen wear less, parade their sex more, and in music it is the younger you look, and the more you look like you are having sex on stage, the better, but that was all there in the 1980’s also. What we see now on the stage, what we see now is the product of the children of the 1980’s expressing what they were fed on TV, on screen, in books, in schools, in their lives every where they went, they are expressing their version of the porn they were bottle fed from the very beginning. Their expression is without style though, it is as hollow as the advertising and media that brought it about in them. They do not know why they are expressing themselves, they do not have the background that the 1980’s had, they had the second millennium, the time of now, which is empty without grounding, no history, they did not have the 1970’s to show them the way to the door.
That was the decade of progress, the 1970’s. It showed the children of that decade how to do what the 1960’s promised with the style and flare that today the children of the 1980’s and 1990’s lack. They just do not have that history. History is cheap now days. It is sold like any other product. Niche marketed to the people who already know it. They do not bother to package it for the new generations, because for them history is dead, it is gone, the past, and they are in the now, and failing miserably to figure out why.
So while we all masturbate on the now, looking for some type of glimpse into the future, we have forgotten the past that led us here, and therefore there is no future, and that is why our future looks so bleak. It is not that we are or are not headed into a bleak future, but that we do not remember what was, and since we have no comparative compass, we are blindly moving into a future we can not even guess at. There is nothing scarier than the unknown, and when we do not have that compass, we do not know in which direction we head. This makes us scared, and almost anyone with a good grasp on the history, and the future can use that, and we will follow whatever leader comes along.
So do not be surprised if the next leader emerges soon, to take us into the new world, we are manifesting them right now, with our fear and ignorance, as we have in the past, and most likely will in the future, at least as long we continue to ignore the history of what and who we are, and how we got here in the first place.
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