Far Far Away from Here

On climate change.  To deny the potential of climate change is ridiculous.  To say that humans are having an effect on climate change is obvious, as we can not walk across sand without leaving footprints, and we have been heavy walkers most of our existence, so it is not surprising.  However I do not believe we have as much effect as we might imagine.  The increase in carbon dioxide may be as likely a result of breathing as of industrialized development.  PSI of people in general is high compared to previous times, so it goes without saying that we are obviously having an effect on the overall environment of the globe in general.  The long term effects of our existence is negligible as we have only been here such a short amount of time.  The decrease in oxygen in the atmosphere may have a more devastating effect on humans than on the entire environment.  Still we are likely to adapt to some degree, although how is yet to be seen.

Still the fact that the climate is changing is a no brainer, of course it is changing, as is the plate tectonics, and other geological features.  Seismic activity may increase, or decrease, and it is also likely that our core is still cooling, so that will have a serious effect on the long term environment.  Much more so than human or other biological effects.  A cooling core means two major things.  First that the geothermal heat will decrease, increasing the surface cooling as well.  The second and even more significant, is the increase in density of the core as it cools, it condenses upon itself increasing the core density, and therefore increasing the effective gravity of the planet.  I do not know if biology can cope with an increase in gravity, but I am sure it will be known, just not by me.

That the humans will become extinct anytime soon is also a possibility, but not likely, as we are highly adaptable creatures, that with the slow progression that the earth takes to make generalized changes in environment, we may be able to keep up with it.  We may not either, as certain times the changes the earth makes are very fast, over a period of a few months, and that would be the end of life as we know it.  Not life entirely, but with a total cool down, or seismic increase that resulted in any cool down of the general earth's radiant heat, we would not likely survive.  We are not designed to survive on darkness and sulfur atmosphere, so if that happens, the likely extinction is at hand.

Nature does not plan, it responds to stimuli.  We think we can do otherwise, but on a global scale we are no different.  That we have invented a being who could plan our existence for us, is obvious, and that we have to try to believe it is proof enough that it is a desperate act by a bunch of desperate old pediphilic greedy men.  Nature responds, we try to plan, but the best laid plans of mice and men will easily be thwarted by the simplest of natural responses.

Is there an atmospheric environmental global warming event on the horizon.  Yes I believe so, all indications point to this.  Does it mean it will happen, no it does not.  A simple thing like a meteor getting through our moons protective shielding, or major increase in seismic activity combined with plate movements of unusual levels of activity could turn a global warming trend on its head in a hurry, and before you know it the earth is covered in a 30 foot coating of snow and ice.  Not just part of the earth, but the entire earth, it can happen, it has, and it can again, and if it does, nothing but a few bacteria and maybe a few spores survive.  End of the world as we know it, but beginning of a new world, much like it has done before.

The truth is our planet is about middle aged, as our sun has about half as much energy left as it had when it started.  In approximately 4 billion years,, give or take an era or two, our sun will die, in a spectacular party the likes of which no one has ever seen or will see, as it will happen so fast that by the time the light reaches us, it will have already happened, and we will no longer exist.  The implosion will leave earth a barren wasteland, if that at all, if the energy does not just explode the earth into billions of particles, and then the energy coming from the sun will be no more, and our solar system will go dark.  Nothing will survive, although it is possible that spores of bacteria may be blown out into further space to populate other earth class planets some millions of light years away, but that is speculation on the grand scale.  We will not know it, unless we devise a way to leave this solar system on a journey to some distant planet, far far away.


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