Friends and Acquaintances

I sometimes wonder, if those people you once called friends, but have so long not really considered acquaintances, if for only the strange reason that you both live different lives, does this mean that you are so far apart, that you will never find common ground again.

From this simple thought, I look in upon the lives of those I once knew more intimately through this new electronic media, ironically termed social networks.  I am perplexed by it, as it seems to be less social, and more network, but even that is quite sterile and neutered.  How have we allowed our social structure to be reduced to bits and bytes of data that represent the skew of our lives, with little or no connection to any real emotions that is only known through real connections.

I do not know the answer here, without these data connections many people would not even know as many people as they believe they do, but through them, they are lead into the false belief that they do know more people than they really do.  


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