First Draft Snippet SRR

This here is a small snippet from my current work, while it is in draft.  It may be quite some time before this one actually sees publication as it is a long work, and there is most likely many revisions yet to go even after I have completed the first or second draft.  This is just to see if there is any interest out there, well no not really, it is just because I wanted to, but I will most likely release a few other choice chunks as it develops, nothing to telling, but just enough to show the color of the canvas.

Coincidentally at this point I don't even know if this will make it to the final copy, as it is very raw, and nothing is quite yet set in type so to speak.  So here it is, please comment if you find it at all interesting, as any interest will be met with my usual response, which often is none at all, but maybe, just maybe, if I feel giving, I might respond.  The most likely response will be the release of additional bits and pieces, which might happen anyway, so your comments while they will be read, are most likely going to stand on their own, without any response from me.  You might get me to talk a little on Google+, but that is unlikely as well.  Let's face it, I don't really like people, although that is not exclusively true, nor does it apply to everyone, just many.

Thank you and enjoy...

I put the pad and pen back on the nightstand, laid back in my bed, my head upon my pillow, and wished for a pleasant thought, an image of the lady in red still on the edge of my mind, but she was fading into the smoking interior of the tavern fast.  A long half hour or so later, sleep did reclaim me, but the lady was nowhere to be seen.

The road was old brick, crumbling and in a state of long dis-repair.  Ruts had been worn into it from use by heavy wagons, although I am not certain a car or truck had ever ventured down this ancient road.  Ahead in the pale moonlight a man was standing on the side of the road, cloaked in black, his hood completely obscured his face.  I could feel the movement beneath me, as I looked down to see that I had the reigns of a horse in my hands, and on the other end was a grey stallion, of some unknown breed, heavy but well built, with fine features.  We continued down the road towards the man in black, seemingly the only destination available.  I tried to look around, but all I saw was dark fog and brown earth, except for the brick there was no contrast to anything but I, the horse, the road, and this figure in black.

Well that's it, and thank you once again,


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